Not Luck Alone

March 7, 2025

Grace Cheng (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer

Throughout history, humanity has been fascinated by the mysterious force of luck. The concept of luck is often glorified in literature, films and everyday conversation, which can elicit various emotions, ranging from excitement and hope to frustration and acceptance. What exactly is luck? Can it shape our experiences profoundly, or is it just a random event? We will explore the multilayered nature of luck, its interconnections with our daily lives, and the significant impacts it has on individuals and society.

What is Luck?

We often think of luck as the result of random events that affect our lives. The events can range from the insignificant to the monumental, such as winning a life-changing prize or narrowly avoiding disaster. Luck has traditionally been associated with supernatural forces, divine intervention or the alignment of celestial bodies, providing a sense of comfort in times of uncertainty.

According to scientific perspectives, luck is not entirely based on chance. It is true that luck is determined by randomness, but it is also shaped by our choices, our environment and our actions. Psychologist Richard Wiseman, the author of The Luck Factor, says that lucky people are those who create, notice and act upon opportunities. It is important to acknowledge and utilize luck, even if external forces shape our lives. However, it is our attitudes and actions that shape our lives.

Luck and Life’s Foundations

From the moment we are born, luck determines our circumstances in life. Our parents’ wealth, our country of birth and the political climate all contribute to our chances of achieving success, good health and education. It is evident that a child born into a wealthy family with access to quality education and healthcare is at a distinct advantage, compared to a child born into a poor family with fewer resources. We can see how powerful luck is at directing the course of our lives, stemming from these random circumstances at birth.

The influence of luck on our personal and professional journeys continues to grow as we age. Having luck in the workplace can be both a blessing and a challenge. It is possible to accelerate career advancement through a chance encounter with a mentor, while it is possible to derail long-term goals through an unexpected job loss. It has been proven that networking is crucial to career success, and our connections can open doors that might be considered lucky breaks. Despite this, hard work and preparation are still necessary to create and recognize these opportunities.

The Role of Luck in Relationships

Our relationships are also influenced by luck.  People often meet their significant others in unexpected and random ways, such as through casual chats in coffee shops, introductions through friends or random encounters in classes. As a result of fortuitous moments, deep relationships often flourish, demonstrating how random events can influence our social lives.

Luck, Mindset and Perception

A person’s perception of luck can significantly influence the way they approach life. Those who consider themselves lucky tend to be optimistic, resilient and open to new experiences. As a result, they take calculated risks, view challenges as opportunities for growth and view failure as part of the learning process. It is through this positive mindset that individuals can manifest self-fulfilling prophecies, which leads them to act upon opportunities when they come their way.

In contrast, those who see themselves as “unlucky” may develop a more negative outlook on life, feeling defeated by challenges. Their belief in bad luck can prevent them from recognizing opportunities. According to Wiseman, “unlucky” individuals often focus on negative outcomes and miss potentially lucky encounters because of this narrow focus.

Balancing Luck and Skill

Luck and skill are closely related, which is an important nuance to consider. The combination of effort, competence and determination ensures long-term success, regardless of luck. Sports, for example, may provide an athlete with a lucky break, such as an opponent getting injured. However, it is their skill and perseverance that determine the outcome.

Entrepreneurship is another good example of this dynamic. In startups, luck often plays a significant role in market conditions, customer preferences and external factors. Nevertheless, successful entrepreneurs combine luck with preparation, flexibility and unwavering effort to make the most of their opportunities. It is said that “luck favors the prepared.”

Luck and Society

In a broader context, luck raises important questions about fairness in society. The consequences of socioeconomic, racial and gender inequalities can be profound, despite often being the result of random circumstances. By understanding the role of luck in these disparities, we can think about how we can address these inequalities through policy changes and community initiatives. The more we acknowledge the importance of luck in life, the more likely we are to develop systems that offer equal opportunities to everyone.


In our lives, luck plays an inescapable role, influencing our experiences with moments of joy, surprise and frustration. The course of our journeys is undoubtedly shaped by luck, but it is also influenced by our actions, choices and mindsets. It is only by embracing both the unpredictable nature of luck and the power of personal agency that we can gain a deeper understanding of our lives and the opportunities that lie ahead. The recognition of chance encourages resilience, strengthens our relationships and motivates us to advocate for systems that ensure equal access to success. We cannot control luck, but how we navigate its unpredictable currents can lead to a more fulfilling life.

Grace has an accounting and finance background. She enjoys reading, writing, listening to music, watching movies and playing sports.



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