Barriers That Keep Us from Trying New Things

October 12, 2023

Grace Cheng (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer


People are biologically hard-wired to avoid risk and instead choose the path of least resistance, often opting out of trying new things due to anxiety, fear or uncertainty. This can stifle innovation, growth and self-actualization. To understand why people often avoid trying something new, it is necessary to understand the psychological, social and environmental barriers involved.

  • Comfort Zones and Fear of the Unknown


People feel comfortable and at ease in their comfort zones because they are familiar with their surroundings and activities. Although this provides a sense of stability, it can also hinder personal growth and limit opportunities for exploration. Many people are reluctant to venture outside their comfort zones because they fear discomfort, challenges and failure. Our brains can trigger a stress response when we encounter something unfamiliar, whether it is a new hobby, career change or cuisine. It is an evolutionary adaptation that protects us from potential dangers, but in modern times, it often hinders our ability to take advantage of exciting opportunities.


The key to overcoming this obstacle is to recognize that real growth occurs when people embrace discomfort and take calculated risks. Build your comfort gradually by taking small steps. Make it a habit to step outside of your comfort zone regularly. Every step taken beyond your comfort zone will expand your horizons and boost your self-esteem. Your confidence will grow as you become more familiar with the unfamiliar.

  • Lack of Self-Confidence


A lack of self-confidence is one of the most common barriers to trying new things. Individuals often underestimate their abilities and doubt their capacity to succeed in unfamiliar fields. A gradual process of building self-confidence involves setting attainable goals, celebrating small wins and reframing negative self-talk. Individuals can boost their self-esteem and become more willing to try new things when they recognize their strengths and acknowledge that setbacks are part of the learning process.

  • Negative Past Experience


Failures in the past can cause apprehension and reluctance to try similar things in the future, which can prevent people from exploring. The key to overcoming such challenges is to frame them as valuable learning experiences, rather than insurmountable setbacks. By reflecting on what went wrong and how to improve, individuals can avoid repeating past mistakes. Every setback is an opportunity for success, and resilience is a key trait that can be cultivated through perseverance and self-reflection.

  • Peer Pressure and Social Expectations


The social influences of peer pressure and societal expectations can significantly influence whether someone is willing to try something new. A fear of judgment or rejection by others can be a powerful deterrent. Social norms and expectations may lead people to avoid activities they genuinely enjoy, even if they do not conform.


The best way to overcome peer pressure is to prioritize your values and aspirations over external expectations. Look for individuals who share your interests and are supportive of your personal development. Life choices should be aligned with your values and passions rather than dictated by societal pressure.

  • Time Constraints and Priorities


Today’s fast-paced world can overwhelm people with daily commitments and responsibilities. Work, family and other obligations often leave little time for trying new things. There is no doubt that this constraint can be a legitimate barrier to exploration, but recognizing the importance of personal growth and balance in one’s life is essential.


This issue can be addressed by allocating time to new experiences deliberately. Plan them as if they are any other commitment. Organizing your time and establishing boundaries will enable you to discover and grow as a person.

  • Perceived Difficulty


When one believes that trying new things is too difficult or beyond one’s capabilities, it can paralyze one’s attempts. People can underestimate their ability to learn and adapt to new challenges. 


The key to overcoming this barrier is to break down complex endeavors into smaller, more achievable steps. Every expert was once a beginner, and mastery can only be achieved through practice and time.

Mentorship and guidance can be obtained from those with more experience. By embracing a growth mindset, you will understand that your abilities can develop over time with time and effort.

  • Lack of Resources


A lack of resources is another obstacle to trying something new. Resources can be material, such as finances, tools or equipment, or emotional, such as support, guidance and confidence. The risk of not getting a return from an investment is one of the major reasons people hesitate to try something new.


Explore cost-effective alternatives or seek financial assistance to overcome this barrier. Trying new things without a significant financial burden can be achieved by creative solutions, such as joining community groups.


While various factors prevent us from trying new things, they are not insurmountable. Identifying and overcoming these obstacles allows us to reach our full potential and lead more fulfilling lives, filled with exploration and personal growth. By adopting these strategies, we open ourselves up to a world of exciting possibilities and endless opportunities for personal growth.


Grace has an accounting and finance background. She enjoys reading, writing, listening to music, watching movies and playing sports.

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