Introducing Our New Indigenous-Led Board of Directors

On February 13th, 2024, a historic transition unfolded at Low Entropy as we welcomed our new Indigenous-led board of directors. This change came about through a profound realization and a bold step taken by our previous board, who chose to resign voluntarily. Their decision was driven by the recognition of a critical gap in our efforts: the scarcity of Indigenous cultural support for residents of the Tri-Cities area.

A Step Towards Inclusive Support

Low Entropy is committed to making a difference in the lives of our unhoused friends, focusing on helping them find safe, secure housing. However, with Indigenous individuals making up 33% of the unhoused population in our area, it became evident that our approach needed to be more inclusive and culturally informed.

The formation of our new Indigenous-led board is more than a change in leadership; it is a commitment to learning, understanding, and integrating Indigenous perspectives and wisdom into our work. Our new directors bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and cultural insights that are invaluable in our mission to provide support that is not only effective but also respectful and honoring of the people we aim to serve.

Learning and Leading Together

As we move forward under the guidance of our new board, we are diligently learning and adapting our strategies to ensure that our efforts reflect the needs, values, and traditions of Indigenous communities. This is a journey of listening, understanding, and action—a journey we are committed to taking with humility and respect.

Our new board of directors is leading the way in redefining how we support our unhoused friends, ensuring that our interventions are culturally sensitive and grounded in the principles of equity and justice. Their leadership is a beacon of hope and a source of inspiration for our organization and the communities we serve.

Our Pledge

We pledge to work closely with our Indigenous-led board to pave a new path forward, one that honors the dignity, culture, and rights of all individuals. Together, we are embarking on a transformative journey to address the challenges faced by unhoused individuals in the Tri-Cities area, with a renewed focus on cultural understanding and support.

We invite you to join us in supporting this important work, as we learn from our new board of directors and strive to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve. Together, we can create a future where everyone has access to safe, secure housing and the support they need to thrive.

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