Desire to Declare

May 13, 2024

Mariana Reis (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer

So what exactly is the point of marriage? In an era where certain values and family structures are often labelled as outdated or irrelevant, this question carries weight.

Coming from a country where the traditional nuclear family—a husband, a wife and at least one child—remains the norm, my own family mirrors that image. Yet, growing up in a family marked by a series of divorces, including my grandparents’ split after more than five decades together, I found myself pondering the purpose of marriage.

By definition, marriage is “a socially approved sexual and economic union, presumed to be more or less permanent, and entails rights and obligations between the married couple and any children they might have” (C. R. Ember, Ember, and Peregrine, 2019). It’s a contractual arrangement, encompassing both legal and emotional dimensions.

Motivations for entering into marriage can vary widely, from religious beliefs to political and economic benefits, often transcending mere romantic love. Throughout history, we’ve witnessed marriages forged for strategic alliances, wealth consolidation and status elevation, rather than purely from affection.

In many societies, the pressure to marry and conform to familial expectations is intense, driven by concerns of social judgment and the stigma attached to being unmarried or having children outside wedlock. Legal protections and societal recognition have historically been reserved for those bound by marriage.

However, contemporary perspectives on marriage have evolved. Legal frameworks increasingly extend rights and obligations to unmarried couples, recognizing diverse family structures. Despite this, the desire to formalize relationships through marriage persists, transcending barriers of race, social status, gender and sexual orientation.

For many, marriage symbolizes the public affirmation of love and commitment. When my partner and I decided to marry, it wasn’t due to external pressure or religious mandates. Having lived together for four years, we sought to exchange vows in the presence of our loved ones, affirming our trust, love and commitment. Our wedding was a celebration of our union, shared joyously with those closest to us.

In essence, marriage is more than a contractual agreement or a tool for consolidating power and wealth. It remains a profound expression of love and partnership, a testament to the enduring human desire to declare, “I do,” and to share life’s journey with another.

My name is Mariana and I am a holistic nutritionist. I love helping other immigrant mothers by cooking nutritious meals to support their postpartum recovery. As I walk the path of self-discovery and inner reconnection, my hope is to continue forging meaningful connections and seeking opportunities to support and uplift others.

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