Healing: Remember to continue on the right path
June 30, 2023

Ignacia Riquelme, Low Entropy Volunteer Writer
In our world, suffering is normalized, like it’s something that everyone should live and face. The negative actions of human beings become something mediatic. They become the main thing we hear during our day thanks to the media, and this can make us lose faith. As a result, living a positive life is sometimes seen as false because it does not seem possible for a human being to live in peace and be genuinely happy with the horrors mentioned daily.
This is why, when it becomes unbearable to keep living in these negative conditions and you choose to begin your healing journey by changing the way that you see your reality, some days you are probably going to feel worse than before, and your world is not always going to feel safe anymore.
The things that trigger you will be more present in your life. They are probably going to be waiting for you around the corner because now you need to face them. This is why we need to understand that, when we begin this journey, it is going to have different ups and downs. The process to heal and connect with your inner peace isn’t a straight line. The human being is a being of habit, and as soon as its brain notices something different from what they are used to (even when it is positive for the person), it sends signals to the rest of the body to keep it alert.
If there is one thing we can all agree on, it is that healing is uncomfortable and can often feel more exhausting than the lifestyle we led before. And this is where self-sabotage can come in. For example, if you are someone who uses meditation to heal, your mind may have wandered in the beginning, or you may have even noticed strange sensations in your body. It’s ok, it’s normal, the body is not used to new changes, and when it feels uncomfortable, it wants to go back to its comfort zone. I lived that too. When I started my journey, my body and my mind had forgotten what it felt like to be tired. The first time I felt myself yawning during the day it scared me. I thought there was something wrong with me, but the truth is that there wasn’t. Over time, I had to teach my body and mind that it was normal to feel tired, that it was healthy to rest, and that you don’t need to be on your toes 24 hours a day. Getting used to a new version of yourself takes time, but it’s worth it.
At the end of the day, healing isn’t just letting go of the old habits and patterns that led us to the life we lived, and it’s not just getting out of your comfort zone and trying new things, it’s building the life you truly deserve to live. It’s creating the circumstances that you think are right for the best version of your being to come out and shine in the world. And no matter how much turbulence you have to face, at the end of the day, you know that everything will work out because you have yourself, and there is nothing more comforting than that.
There’s good in saying goodbye.
There’s good in giving yourself the time to find peace.
There’s good in letting go and being yourself.
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At Low Entropy, we believe changing the world starts with changing ourselves.
Founded in 2015, Low Entropy Facilitates conversations that encourage diversity and promote inclusivity.
We understand that life can be confusing at times. It can seem challenging and sometimes you may feel like no one really “gets you.” We offer an opportunity to connect with others who have the capacity to understand you.