Living With Mental Health Struggles
November 8, 2024

Shawn MacPhee, Low Entropy Volunteer Writer
For over ten years now, I have suffered from depression, PTSD, and severe ADHD. Despite all of the obstacles and situations in my life that I’ve overcome or just plainly gotten through, there have been so many days when I barely managed to get out of bed. Of all the things I needed to do or hoped to accomplish on any given day, sometimes it was all I could do to just make it through. There have even been times when it was all I could do to get out of bed without accomplishing anything else. However, for all of the days I have overcome and the rest that I have barely survived, I have always asked myself: is this enough?
For those managing mental health struggles, including myself, getting through each day can feel like a monumental achievement. Nevertheless, is merely “getting by” sufficient? Is being able to do the bare minimum of what is expected of you acceptable? It’s time to delve into this question and consider new possibilities.
The first thing we have to take into account is that the bare minimum for anyone suffering from mental illness comes from a place of “survival mode.” Being in such a mindset, for whatever reason, makes it necessary for your peace of mind to give enough energy, only to meet the bare minimum.
This state can be just as detrimental as merely surviving in the first place. Although merely surviving may be all one can do, doing it for long enough can cause things in your life to start to spiral, compounding the effects of a cycle. Staying in survival mode long enough can also lead to health issues. Over time, this cycle can result in poor or nonexistent hygiene and can lead to increased cortisol levels from stress, affecting your appetite, sleep, and a host of other things—perpetuating a downward spiral that can feel all but impossible to escape.
To escape, we must find a way out. For me, the first step I took was prioritizing self-care. One of the hardest things for anyone with mental health issues is to ensure that they are a priority. You become so engrossed in your own thoughts and your lack of ability to deal with everything around you that it is easy to forget to take care of yourself. For me, the first step was focusing on my hygiene. Daily showers, teeth brushing, and grooming are easier to neglect than you might think. Next, take time for yourself. While on the way back, you need to prioritize your own peace. Whether you need time alone, a walk in nature, or a good old video game, doing things that make you happy is key to moving beyond how you feel now.
The next big step that has worked for both me and others I know is setting small goals. It’s all too easy to see the “big picture” and become overwhelmed by all the steps you think you need to take to get there. Instead, make the first step your main goal. If you want to lose 30 pounds, it can become intimidating when you think of the whole process. Instead, why not try just going for a walk and see how long you can keep that up? Once you’ve gotten into a routine with that, then move on to the next step as your next goal. The same idea applies to mental health: “Today, I am going to get up and go outside.” One small step can lead to many eventually.
The last step I’ve found helpful, both personally and for others, is practicing mindfulness. Even when it feels like all is lost in your life or situation, take a look around at what you already have. Are you where you want to be? No. But I bet there are people who would give anything to have or do something you do. There is always something to be grateful for. For me, my children have been a source of strength. Even in my darkest times, they pulled me through more than I can count.
All in all, just surviving day to day is sometimes all you can do, and that’s okay! But at some point, you have to get on with it and find your way back to the version of yourself that you deserve. There are many reasons in life one might find themselves in a mentally unhealthy state. But you deserve more. You are more than the sum of your situation or thoughts. So while you may need to take today and just make it through by doing the bare minimum to get to the next day, at some point, you have to shake yourself off and realize that you are worth more and have more to offer than you give yourself credit for. Take these small steps and go get your life back. You deserve better; you deserve to be happy.
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At Low Entropy, we believe changing the world starts with changing ourselves.
Founded in 2015, Low Entropy Facilitates conversations that encourage diversity and promote inclusivity.
We understand that life can be confusing at times. It can seem challenging and sometimes you may feel like no one really “gets you.” We offer an opportunity to connect with others who have the capacity to understand you.