That Corner of Our Souls
January 1, 2024

Nasly Roa Noriega (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer
Peace, silence, tranquility, calm and watching the rain fall on my window are some of the reasons why I stopped going to parties. Many people consider me boring, but many do not understand that parties are lived in a different way.
I am a simple and very silent person, too much I would say. Sometimes by closing my eyes, breathing deeply and staying silent as long as I want, I feel an ecstasy of happiness that many do not understand, but for me it is everything.
As time goes by, parties have taken a back seat, at least for me. Tastes tend to be different and fun can be found in different ways.
For me, any day is special. Seeing my kids every day is a holiday, having my parents around and going to see them any day of the week is special to me, and wearing a new outfit is happiness.
Moments can be enjoyed any day. We all have our internal celebrations, we just have to know how to enjoy them. Some do it with luxury, food and a large number of guests with parties and drinks, others just enjoy them with the people they love the most, and that makes them happy.
Festivities come from ancient times. They often become traditions, and every tradition is part of the culture of society, so many enjoy them because they evoke different feelings. Nowadays, many businesses take advantage of the festivities to awaken those ancient feelings in their hearts in order to capitalize on them.
Many ask me why I stopped going to parties, and my answer is always the same: my life is a party and I enjoy every day of my existence, I dance with the soft breeze that covers my body, I wave my arms to reach that piece of blue sky, I get drunk on the liquor of the cold morning and splash the ephemeral drops that the rain leaves on the floor. And that’s why I always make every day a party, because we are all different, we all think differently and we all live a unique life. That’s mine.
I have been writing since I was a child and the pleasure of writing began to displace my taste for parties. I love and am fascinated by writing, I spend hours sitting and immersed in letters. I enjoy a good coffee while watching the birds that flutter by my window and I am dazzled by the radiant sun that shines on my face. I like to dance constantly when I do my housework and I love to make special meals any day of the week. This, for me, is a party: to have fun any day, no matter what day of the week I choose to be happy.
Parties were never in the first priority in my life, and I believe that with the passing of time they will remain in another place in the sphere of my life because I enjoy what I do, I enjoy living, I enjoy being with my husband and my children watching a movie, and I enjoy isolating myself from time to time to enjoy my internal festivities and the peace of mind that they generate in me.
We all carry a party inside. There are many who let it out, others just want to keep it in a corner of our souls.
My name is Nasly Roa Noriega. I am a quiet person and I find peace of mind through silence. Every day of my life is a thanksgiving to God and every awakening is a day of celebration.
At Low Entropy, we believe changing the world starts with changing ourselves.
Founded in 2015, Low Entropy Facilitates conversations that encourage diversity and promote inclusivity.
We understand that life can be confusing at times. It can seem challenging and sometimes you may feel like no one really “gets you.” We offer an opportunity to connect with others who have the capacity to understand you.