What Do I Know About Love?

February 28, 2025

Love is, in essence, beautiful. It fills our hearts with unfaltering excitement, and shows the path to lead a more wholesome and fuller life at the service of those we truly care about. Without love, life is meaningless and empty, and there is no joy in doing the things that can improve our living conditions. When we act out of love, we welcome forgiveness to our life, and open the pathways to heal from old wounds—unkind words that once hurt us and made us think less of ourselves. Love transforms us into kind souls ready to serve our fellow humans in the name of peace and justice. 

Being good is a rare human quality that many simply assume that they possess, when in fact many of us who do good do so purely to satisfy our own egos and desires or fulfill our personal goals and interests. Ignorance is bliss—as the saying goes—but it is not accurate to say that we are good when we only give our love to people, places, activities and things we deeply care for. If we really care, we don’t place expectations in between. Nor do we attempt to hold off our love for those things. We give our love unconditionally. We do so simply because it feels good, because it floods in positive energy and creates effortless lightness and carefree joy in us. 

A life spent giving love is indeed a life lived well. We won’t regret it, because it brings abundance and self fulfillment with it. It also gives us control over those aspects of our strengths and capabilities that need to be nourished while helping us let go of those people or things that no longer serve us at times when we need to make room for the new (isn’t it that if we let go of something and if it still got back to us, it was truly meant to be for us?). It also helps us focus on relations we want to keep or further cultivate. 

Doing things from a place of love helps us challenge ourselves to practice patience with the attitudes, presumptions and prejudices we encounter in our environments on a day-to-day to day basis. We might seek to pay closer attention to the needs and wants of others through active listening, bearing in mind to always see the good in others in order to build strong relations that can thrive with time. Little by little, we would also come to acknowledge that love and respect are inseparable and mutually inclusive, that not everyone is worth the time and effort we exert to bridge differences and view in a positive light, and that despite all this, we should still shine our lights into those little moments we share together, be it at home or work or in society. If we believe in the power of love, we can move mountains and molehills; we can teach love by showing love. 

Little acts of kindness, here and there, can go so far. Dropping our gently used clothing items to a donation centre, sharing a meal with a close-knit community, volunteering our time to help others learn hands-on skills and become employment ready or, if and when we can, chipping in some of the change in our wallets on our next visit to the grocery store or our favorite coffee shop will positively impact the livelihoods of others, even if only incrementally. The important thing is to keep the flow of positive energy in our daily interactions and let the universe work its wonders and bring happiness and joy to the lives of those who need it most. 

Being loved is as important and essential as loving, and there is no denying that by giving love we increase our chances to be loved back. Of course, with some people it might never happen. And with others, things start to work their way only in time. But with most, it does, and nothing, I mean nothing, beats the experience of being loved back once we have initiated the first few steps toward it. 

May our lives be filled with love and the joy that accompanies it. 

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