What does it mean to leave a lasting legacy?
December 4, 2022
Faizah Latif (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer
“To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Every individual should strive towards creating a meaningful life in the hopes of leaving behind a lasting legacy, as this is the sign of a life well-lived. To make a mark in a positive way for others is an accomplishment. Since every individual develops their unique personality, skills, and lifestyle, the manner in which someone leaves behind a legacy can look different for each person. The important factor is to embody your true authentic self in the work that you do. Which special qualities and quirks do you embrace about yourself?
Self development is the process of discovering your talents and experimenting with different hobbies in order to achieve greater heights. In the process, you learn the areas in which you excel and you are constantly in the pursuit of finding your true potential. Life is not meant to be lived in a stagnant state, and the more we are willing to place ourselves out of our comfort zones, the more we truly begin to live. There are many ways to contribute towards self development, and it depends on you and where your interests lie. This can range from community work, writing, cooking, sports, meditation, journalling, reading, or travelling to name a few. In the process of self development, one is always trying to find ways to better themselves and to keep learning and growing. You would not find someone passionate about self development that is comfortable in the state that they are in, because they are on a mission to continuously improve themselves.
The beautiful thing about creating your own lasting legacy is that you can select traits that you admire from your loved ones that you look up to and infuse them into your own life. In embodying different traits and still enmeshing your own personality, you are developing your own personalized life journey that can inspire others. Our loved ones that have passed have shared with us their gems as they left a lasting legacy, and it is up to us to discover those gems and their meaning. My maternal grandfather passed away two months ago, and he left behind the beautiful trait of generosity, as he was always giving to others in need and was fair to everyone. After his passing, this is a trait that I am trying to embody in my own life. Besides those in our lives that have passed away, we can also be inspired by role models that have shaped our lives in a positive way. By examining their positive traits, we are cultivating a healthy habit of focusing on the good in others, while simultaneously challenging ourselves to adopt those specific traits into our own lives.
Another area to implement and focus on when it comes to a lasting legacy is to share your life story with others. Whether this is through writing, speaking, or community involvement, finding a way to share what you’ve learned in life leaves a huge impact in the world. We are all composed of various struggles in our journeys that have made us stronger. In turn, we can give back to others and share the lessons we’ve learned so that others can benefit, and the community can be stronger together. Perhaps there is a trip that changed your perspective in life, as travelling derives many benefits in terms of growth. Or, you have gone through a challenge in your life that you did not think you could surmount, and you found the light at the end of the tunnel. Individuals are greatly inspired by those that have fallen down but had the courage to come back up even stronger than before.
Essentially, creating a lasting legacy involves the ability to truly live life to its fullest and experience all the ups and downs that come our way. A lasting memory of someone is preserved in the way that they carry themselves and handle the hurdles they are presented with. If life were easy, we wouldn’t grow or have anything to learn from. Further, we would not have anything to educate others on. The final question is: how do you plan to leave a lasting legacy?
Faizah is an aspiring social worker, currently in the process of completing her Master in Social Work (MSW) degree. She enjoys self development and advocating for important causes in the community. Writing is one of Faizah’s passions, and she is honoured to share her writing on the Low Entropy platform in the hopes of providing inspiration.
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