Where Is My Writing Taking Me?

August 5, 2024

FƔtima Lima (She/Her), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer

This is a deeply touching subject. When I encountered this writing theme proposed by Low Entropy, it felt like my mind was exploding with possibilities. Writing allows me to go wherever I want, both figuratively and perhaps literally, and that freedom is its most beautiful aspect. Since 2015, Iā€™ve been blogging, initially without a clear purpose, but it soon became a welcomed break from my daily grind. Back then, I wasnā€™t fully aware of my abilities. Itā€™s easy to get trapped in routine, isnā€™t it?

In 2019, when COVID struck and despite all the worries it brought, I found myself with something Iā€™d never had before in my busy life: free time! My little cloud of free time, and that was my liberation moment, artistically speaking. From then on, I realized I could write for my mental well-being, and I havenā€™t been able to stop since.Ā 

Reflecting on this theme, I canā€™t help but think about the experiences that have shaped my ability to write freely. Although I donā€™t have formal credentials as an academic, literary expert, or professional writer, I express myself to the best of my ability. Despite lacking formal qualifications, my imagination knows no bounds. In fact, my imagination excites me more than real life sometimes. Most of my pieces are fiction, written in the first person, and thatā€™s where I love to be. Every moment I spend at my computer writing feels like a session with my therapist. It goes even furtherā€”whenever I have a hint or an idea, any paper note will work as a starter. I recall writing the beginning of a short story on a popcorn bag as I left a movie theatre.

The COVID-19 lockdown free time also introduced me to a new passion: South Korean dramaturgy! While watching romantic comedies and ā€œcuteā€ entertainment isnā€™t a substitute for professional therapy, please donā€™t misunderstand me, I simply found it immensely helpful as a temporary escape from real-life problems. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the bodyā€™s natural feel-good chemicals, promoting general well-being and temporarily relieving pain. It turns out my streaming service therapy sessions benefit my mental health and have inspired my imagination. They were also the motivation for my initial idea of starting writing film scripts.

Nowadays, I work at a settlement agency in New Brunswick, helping refugees and newcomers settle in this beautiful land called Canada. Recently, we had a chat at work about what brings us joy and what kind of work we would choose to fulfill our lives, other than what we are doing now. For me, thereā€™s no doubt about itā€”I want to write! Whether itā€™s journalism, writing books, or crafting screenplays, I have a penchant for scriptwriting. I am confident that my mission on Earth revolves around words.

That conversation also motivated me to write a book about the refugee crisis, highlighting the challenging and courageous journeys these individuals embark on before finding safety here. The exposure to so many meaningful stories led me to the decision that more people needed to hear them. Thatā€™s the writing Iā€™m working on at the moment. Itā€™s a bit out of my comfort zone, as I envision it more like a documentary, but Iā€™ve embraced the challenge.

Iā€™d like to wrap up this piece with some words of encouragement because, for me, writing is like leaving traces of love. I want to emphasize that anyone can achieve whatever they set their minds to, and pursuing our passions can be a powerful tool for personal growth and healing. Imagine ideas swirling around in your mind like threadsā€”donā€™t hesitate to embrace them wholeheartedly. For aspiring authors like me, I highly recommend the book “Novelist as a Vocation” by one of my favorite authors, Haruki Murakami. This remarkable book has been instrumental in liberating my mind and boosting my confidence, driving me to explore new horizons and uncover the full potential of where my writing could take me.



My name is FĆ”tima Lima, and writing is my therapy. I believe art makes us better people, providing many ways to reflect on todayā€™s world, the past and the future. I live in Moncton, New Brunswick, and my day-to-day job is in a multicultural settlement agency. The best thing about collaborating with Low Entropy is the freedom to write subjects I love, in the way I can write.

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Founded in 2015, Low Entropy Facilitates conversations that encourage diversity and promote inclusivity.

We understand that life can be confusing at times. It can seem challenging and sometimes you may feel like no one really ā€œgets you.ā€ We offer an opportunity to connect with others who have the capacity to understand you.