Responsibility and Companionship: the Benefits of Having a Pet as a Child

Elizaveta Garifullina, Low Entropy Volunteer Writer



Having a pet has a huge number of positive aspects. It improves health, brings family members closer together, brings a lot of positive emotions and, of course, teaches responsibility. 


Unfortunately, not all parents have the opportunity to be with their child for enough time. However, children always need someone nearby. After they come home after school, they have a lot of time until nightfall, which they very often spend alone.


For children who like loneliness more, the time spent with a pet will be very useful. Such children need someone who will be comfortable around them, but at the same time meet the need for care. Pets get rid of the feeling of “bad” loneliness. The child will know that if they do not have to talk to someone, the pet will just be there. 


Pets give children not only warmth and joy, but also encourages patience and responsibility in them. Taking care of a pet develops independence and discipline in a child. When children realize that a pet is not just a soulless toy, they begin to take responsibility for the animal. Children perform all kinds of duties: they feed, walk, play, and clean up after pets.


It is necessary to determine the measure of responsibility of the child based on their age. Small children can only play with pets and help feed them, older children will be able to walk the animal, and teenagers will be able to take full responsibility for them. Teenagers become the rightful owners of their pets. 


However, even in a seven-year-old child, caring for an animal will develop a sense of responsibility. In front of the child, there will be someone small and defenseless; someone who needs to be helped and cared for. 


If you help a child with this feeling, then the child will be very happy to get up and take care of the pet, even if they need to get up at six a.m. to walk the dog. The dog needs to be fed and taken outside in the morning and evening. This responsibility gives the little owners a sense of protection and caring for the younger one. Children feel needed thanks to pets. In any weather, you just need to get up and walk with your pet. Early in the morning, even if it is a blizzard or rainy outside, you need to go outside to walk your pet. 


Communication with a pet helps a child to experience a different range of emotions. A careful and caring attitude to the pet forms in the child the right attitude to other animals. Proper familiarization with a pet helps to understand that all animals have their own feelings and we need to be careful with them and take care of them.


Having an animal can also help a child improve relationships with neighbors and acquaintances. Look out the window, for sure you will see at least one child or teenager with a pet. Two children who went out for a walk with their pets and noticed each other will definitely get acquainted. All the children on the street will be attracted to a child with an animal. And this is a great reason to become friends. 


Pets help relieve fatigue. After an exam or just a long hard day, they are always waiting at home and waiting to lie down together and relax. 


Animals get along well with children. They teach children care and responsibility. The most important thing is to have a good first meeting with them. Make it clear to the animal that there is nothing to be afraid of and explain to the child that this is a living animal and the child should be extremely careful. 


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