
Anna Bernsteiner (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer


Yesterday I didn’t get out of my bed at all.

I stared at the ceiling.

And it looked like I was still, doing nothing 

When actually there were thousands of conversations and words 

Floating through my mind

so I was paralyzed and had to listen to them scream.


Time felt worthless and so the days passed

And another one and another one and many more after. 

And this would have gone on for eternity 

Sadness and depression can eat you alive 


Unless . . .

There is something in you that wants to move. 

Unless . . .

There is something that wants to run, dance, laugh


there is something that will fight 


All you need is a beating heart

And a fighting soul

To rebuild your life. 

Nothing can stop you

Not grief, not pain, not depression


You are in control of your reality

You can 

You will. 


So today I got out of bed in the morning. 

It took me all the strength I had 

But I made it

And so will you. 



Hi, I’m Anna, I’m a student and I write blogs for Low Entropy. In my free time I like to explore new countries and cultures, try new foods, languages and meet new people, and I try to write interesting articles 🙂


Low Entropy

In a time when ‘social distancing’ is the most prevalent and vital of personal health practices, isolation can put extra pressure on our emotional, and spiritual health. Distancing to protect those who are the most vulnerable in our society can make many of us feel like we’re being overlooked. Whatever gains we’ve made in our personal betterment, emotional development and spiritual enlightenment may now feel deprioritized.


How are we meant to stay connected and yet, maintain our sense of comfort and support? Where is the sympathetic ear, the voice of calm reasoning and firm reassurance in a period of such tumult and unrest? For those who need to be heard, and for those who need to hear that voice, it’s still here. ​We are still here.


In the wake of a mandate which leaves us feeling confused and isolated, Low Entropy is a resource that continues to aid personal development. It’s a support system that highlights the resilience of our community in such difficult times.


As an organization, we understand that self-isolation and social distancing can put a strain on the community’s psyche. Low Entropy is a group of people with a common goal: we aspire to explore the inner reaches of ourselves through mindfulness and meditation, and as a result, achieve a significant social impact from a place of compassion. We share ideas and vent feelings in a safe environment, and support our members to realize their goals outside of the community. 


Throughout the pandemic, we continued to offer online peer support group sessions in

an attempt to give people the tools to feel connected to themselves and their community. 


The response we received was outstanding. 


When participants were asked about their experiences, they were overwhelmingly happy. 


One participant commented, “It creates a space for like-minded people to share and grow in awareness. It gives participants the opportunity to raise their level of consciousness to a more cooperative and loving perspective.”


This was very inspiring feedback not only from an empirical perspective of an organization looking to gauge its value to its community, but also from a perspective of real social development.


We at Low Entropy believe in a holistic approach to social change. Positive action may only come from those with a positive and centered outlook, however, the ability to achieve and maintain this outlook requires sustained guidance from a dedicated support network.


A like-minded community collectively working towards social action is a valuable quality in any progressive society. A group of sound and composed minds working together for a higher state of emotional and spiritual support in these times can not only help maintain a sense of stability, but encourage a state of hope and growth. The more people work towards attaining a low entropic state, the more their influence will spread through noticeable acts of compassion. Their influence will give others the energy to rebuild in the wake of such difficult times.


Author: Rory MacDonald

Edited by: Karissa deGuzman

A Quiet Fix: Holistic Healing through Yin Yoga

What started as a quest for increased flexibility led Low Entropy Volunteer Writer Kathy Woudzia to emotional sanctuary via breath and meditation. 

As a person living alone, I have had a difficult time coping with the social isolation associated with COVID. Before January 2020, I spent my time raising a family and all duties that entailed. For 18 years I was a stay-at-home mom, spending my days looking after the household. I worked out, shopped, cleaned and prepared dinners, finding little time for building friendships.

In January 2020, it all fell apart. I found myself newly single, and with all of my children having flown the nest, COVID was the icing on the proverbial cake.

In order to cope, I would do an intense workout everyday. Fitness was not only a great way to keep fit, but more importantly, helped me keep my sanity. There is a feeling of euphoria after each and every workout. It’s not just the endorphins that course through your body after an intense fitness session, but also the general sense of accomplishment that would carry me through the day.

Unfortunately, I overworked my body to save my mind, and my body rebelled. The frequent workouts were taking a toll. I got to the point where I could barely walk without pain.  

Even worse than the physical pain was the emotional despondency of not being able to work out anymore. The fact is that I don’t feel good about myself when I don’t perform a fitness activity daily.  In too much pain to do another workout, I resorted to something I never thought I would ever do, much less enjoy: Yin Yoga.

Yin is a type of yoga where you hold poses for a minimum of three to five minutes each. I was reluctant to try this because I knew it was going to incite a different kind of physical pain from my current injury.   I’d neglected stretching for a good portion of my life, which is exactly why I was now having problems with my IT band. With a background in kinesiology, I knew about the three components to physical fitness: cardio, strength, and flexibility. I possessed the first two but I was sorely missing the third. If I wanted to repair my injury and work out again, I would need to improve my flexibility. 

I looked up Yin Yoga online. I found it to be equal parts science and spirit. Combining the practices of Yin Yoga and mindfulness meditation creates powerful possibilities for transformation and holistic healing in all layers of our being: body, mind and heart. I knew there were obvious benefits to Yin Yoga for the physical body, but it would be a very welcome surprise if it were to have a positive effect on my mind as well.

I began with some deep breathing and found that this immediately relaxed me. Next were some poses, which could be potentially painful, but the instructor said something important: only go into the pose deep enough so that you are feeling a five out of 10 in the stretch and, above all, stay present.

This made a world of difference to me. While in each three-minute pose, I focused on my breath and on being in the moment. I do not usually take the time to meditate, but I found that for three minutes at a time I could be in a complete meditative state. The video was 45 minutes long, which provided me with almost a full hour of meditation. By the end of the Yin Yoga session, not only did my body feel better, but I felt a sense of calm that regular exercise didn’t provide for me. I am now going to stick with Yin Yoga even when my body no longer needs it for repair. For me, Yin Yoga and meditation is a repair of the mind.

Where do you find your inner peace? Let us know in the comments section, or attend one of Low Entropy’s supportive meetings to exchange ideas and experiences.