The Benefits of Owning a Pet

October 7, 2022

Grace Cheng (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer


The experience of owning pets can be wonderful for children of all ages. Kids can learn important life lessons such as responsibility, trust, compassion, respect and patience through owning pets. Most children would love to own a pet of their own, but teaching them how to care for that animal, feed it, and clean up after it can be challenging. There are often pets that are not age-appropriate, which can make caring for them more challenging. The first important step is to choose a pet that is appropriate for the age of your child. It is unlikely that a young child, such as 5 years old, would be able to care for a large dog, but a guinea pig or a kitten may be more suitable. Older children should be able to select the pet of their choice, whether it is a dog, a cat, or a guinea pig.


The responsibility of looking after pets is a great teaching tool for kids. As soon as a new pet is brought home, the children will begin to learn about the responsibilities associated with pet ownership. Having an animal that relies on children to feed them, let them out for the toilet, and keep them clean, comfortable, and safe throughout their lives is an invaluable lesson that they will carry with a child throughout their lives. It will be easy for your children to learn what needs to be done daily to ensure the safety and happiness of their pets, and they will also learn by seeing the example you set for them as a parent.


What Can Children Learn from Owning Pets


  1. Decision-Making Skills


Having a pet requires children to make decisions. Making intelligent decisions is an important aspect of growing up and being mature. There will be many choices that a child must make, including deciding on the name of the pet, selecting a place to sleep every night, and choosing food for the pet. Making decisions is an essential life skill that will encourage a sense of control and self-esteem in your child.


  1. Time Management Skills


Children who care for pets learn how to prioritize at any given time. They learn that if they want to attend soccer practice after school, they must make sure that their pet has all the supplies it needs until they can check on them. You can teach your child about scheduling and prioritizing tasks by owning a pet.


  1. Learning Empathy, Patience, and Sacrificing for Others


Children learn empathy, compassion and kindness by caring for pets. They learn about making sacrifices for others when they give up some of their own free time to care for their animals. The importance of patience and empathy can be taught to children in the home through pet ownership. As you demonstrate how to manage your pet appropriately, your child will learn what levels of patience are necessary, as well as how the pet might feel in specific situations. This can inspire a child to explore empathy in greater depth.


  1. Building Self-Confidence


Having pets can increase children’s self-confidence, which contributes to their overall happiness, since animals help them feel loved and understood. Furthermore, they can help encourage kids to be more physically fit, which leads to a boost in their self-confidence and a greater degree of social interaction with their peers. Children often look to animals for companionship and friendship, and it is well known that establishing and maintaining strong friendships is an important element of self-esteem.


  1. Good Behaviours


Children can learn the value of practicing good behavior by training a dog, cat, or any other animal. Your children will learn all about rewards, incentives, and following the rules as they are being taught the commands – and the all-natural treats. Training an animal cannot only teach your child about rewards, but also about positive reinforcement and doing good for its own sake.


  1. Financial Management


Parents can take the opportunity to introduce some key concepts about financial planning through having pets. The cost of feeding, treating, medical care, grooming and other aspects of pet ownership can be substantial. Your children need to understand that owning animals is expensive. The care of your pet can also serve as an opportunity for you to teach your children the value of working for a living. Pet owners who are responsible for their pets should consider obtaining insurance coverage for their animals, as this may provide some financial assistance if the pet becomes ill or becomes injured. 


  1. Life and Death


It is difficult to explain the circle of life to children, especially toddlers and young children. As painful as it may be to lose a family pet, the loss of an animal is often a child’s first encounter with death. The loss of a pet can be a devastating life event for grieving children, and parents should provide them with all the resources they need. It is important to provide your children with the tools they need to heal so that they can better weather losses throughout their lives and grieve healthily.


Why not take the plunge into pet ownership if your child is ready to enjoy the benefits of having a pet? Your children may surprise you by how much they change positively when you add a new animal pet to the household.



Grace has an accounting and finance background. She enjoys reading, writing, listening to music, watching movies and playing sports.

One thought on “The Benefits of Owning a Pet

  1. I like that you talked about how children could learn empathy, compassion and kindness by caring for pets. I heard it is good to have a pet grow up along with your child, so my wife and I are planning on getting one for our daughter. There are quite a lot of options, but I am thinking of looking for bully puppies for sale, since they look pretty cute.

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