Overcoming Procrastination: Powerful Strategies To Get Things Done

June 6, 2024

Sasna Nawran (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer

Ever find yourself saying, “I’ll do it later,” only to find “later” never quite arrives? You’re not alone. 

How many times have you pushed aside tasks, only to feel the weight of unfinished business hanging over you like a dark cloud? Ever wondered why it’s so hard to just get started? 

Procrastination—the arch-nemesis of productivity—has a sneaky way of creeping into our lives and holding us back, but not anymore.

In this article, I’ll give you some effective strategies and tips to overcome procrastination. 

If you’re ready, let’s get started! 

What Exactly is Procrastination?

Many people confuse procrastination with laziness, but they are not the same. Laziness is wasting your time by doing nothing or doing something purely for pleasure.

Procrastination involves doing something with time but putting off the most important task. This means you wait until the last minute and work long periods to complete certain tasks.

Why Do People Procrastinate?

According to research, the main reasons for procrastination are negative emotions and moods such as stress, anxiety, social pressure, self-doubt, insecurity, boredom, frustration, etc . . .

Strategies to Overcome Procrastination

Procrastination increases the chances of making mistakes. When you leave tasks until the last minute, you work under immense pressure which increases the chances of making mistakes and things going wrong: for instance, you might become ill or face technical problems. 

Therefore, you must learn to overcome procrastination. I’ll give you some practical strategies to overcome procrastination with ease. 

Accept that You Are Procrastinating

The first step to overcoming any problem is awareness and self-knowledge. So, accept that you are procrastinating and find out why you are doing so.

Knowing the true reason for procrastination makes it easier to overcome it. Sit and think for a minute or two. Why do you put off certain tasks until the last minute? 


Manage Your Tasks Efficiently

Every day write a to-do list and arrange the tasks in the order of priority. This will prevent you from putting off difficult or unpleasant tasks. 

Eat the bigger frog first. This means completing the most difficult task first. If you don’t feel like starting a particular task, follow the five-minute rule. 

What’s the five-minute rule? You set a time of five minutes to do the particular task you’re avoiding. If after five minutes you feel bored or horrible, you are free to stop. 

Most people find that after five minutes they feel like working until the task is complete. It’s because setting the intention and starting is sometimes the hardest part. 

Split large projects into small chunks and give yourself deadlines. It’ll help you to keep track of your activities. 

Many apps are out there, where you can organize and manage your tasks effectively. Don’t forget to make use of them. 

Find Motivation to Engage in Tasks

Stay motivated by finding productive reasons to engage in tasks. 

Some people engage in tasks out of fear of failure, to show off to other people, or sometimes to avoid angering parents. These kinds of reasons invoke negative feelings. Hence, they are not productive.

Instead, find reasons that evoke positive feelings in yourself. Having a clear goal, a plan, and a method to track your progress toward your goal are positive ways to stay motivated. 

Set specific and realistic goals. Assess what exactly you procrastinate and why you do it.  For example, putting off studying a particular lesson as you feel it’s difficult. 

Figure out a technique to overcome the cause of the procrastination. Instead of trying to get through the task, find something interesting in it. 

Next, create an action plan to achieve your goal. Keep a goal tracker to track your progress. With time find out which techniques work well for you and which don’t and refine your action plan accordingly. 

Summary Tips for Overcoming Procrastination

  • Break tasks into smaller steps: Big tasks can seem overwhelming, but breaking them down makes them easier to tackle.
  • Set specific goals: Be clear about what you want to accomplish and set deadlines for yourself.
  • Prioritize tasks: Focus on what’s most important and tackle those tasks first.
  • Use timers: Set a timer for short bursts of work, like 25 minutes, followed by a short break. It helps maintain focus.
  • Minimize distractions: Identify and eliminate things that pull you away from your work, like social media or TV.
  • Reward yourself: Celebrate your progress with small rewards to keep yourself motivated.
  • Practice self-compassion: Don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up. Learn from it and move forward.

Procrastination is putting off tasks until the last moment. It’s not the same as laziness. Procrastination causes you immense stress and increases the chance of making mistakes. Luckily, you can overcome procrastination with proper strategies. 

Remember that overcoming procrastination takes time and effort. Practice with patience and ultimately you’ll be able to develop better habits and get the tasks done on time. 


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