Pressure of Planning: An Article on the Difficulty of Big Choices

July 28, 2024

Tomas McGrath, Low Entropy Volunteer Writer

In this article, I’ll be talking to you about big decisions. Some decisions have a massive impact on you, the people around you and even possibly the world. Such decisions can be difficult to make, and if you felt you made the wrong decision, you’d be stuck with it. That’s why you might be nervous or uneasy during these big decisions. I’m going to give you a few ways to be sure of what you want to do.

  1. Get opinions.

If you’re struggling with making a decision, get someone else’s input. The best input to get would be from someone who has experience making similar decisions and getting positive results from them.

  1. Leave it to “chance.”

Of course, don’t actually leave the decision to chance. But at first, convince yourself you will. If you’re unsatisfied with the choice that has been made for you, you can decide otherwise! You might have an easier time deciding if you’re told to go one way and don’t like where you’ve been told to go. I do this sometimes. I flip a coin to pick something, and if I don’t like it, I go another way! It does work, at least for me, and you should try it next time you feel indecisive.

  1. Focus on what has fewer cons, not more pros.

If you focus only on the bad parts, you can see what would end up worse for you. Consider risks and maintenance requirements. This way, you anticipate what could go wrong and can adjust and prepare for it, and your decision won’t depend entirely on the good side of things. Of course, know what the pros are, but focus on what has fewer cons.

  1. Sleep on it.

Taking a night or two, or even a longer time like weeks, months or years to think over the decision, will allow for ample time to process every bit of information you have on the decision, and provide you with time to mull over the possibilities of each choice’s effects.

Those are just a few of the possible ways to bypass indecision, but I’m sure at least one of them will be of some use to you, dear reader. Big decisions can be tough, but they don’t have to be impossible.

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