Thriving in your job is about more than finding the right employment opportunities. It’s about developing the skills and confidence to live a fulfilling, empowered life.

Low Entropy’s employment services go far beyond helping individuals find sustainable employment. We equip them with the skills they need to be empathetic leaders in our community. We work with individuals to be successful from the inside out, combining pragmatic, on-the-job skills with personal growth and development.

Our employment services remain free and accessible to all individuals, including immigrants and first-time job seekers, because of our generous donors.

To support Low Entropy and our Employment Services Program, click here.

Whether you’re a first-time job seeker or a veteran in the work force, we know that living a fulfilling life is about more than a nine-to-five job. That’s why our comprehensive, two-week program combines personal development with the pragmatic job-seeking skills to not just prepare you as a professional but also develop you as an individual and immerse you in a supportive community.

You are more than the words on your resume, and we’re dedicated to providing the holistic, practical skills you need to grow in every season of your personal and professional journey.


Our comprehensive, two-week Essential Skills Training breaks down into three core components.

Career Services

Career Preparations

Practical Skills

During our two-week training, we teach you what you need to know in order to have confidence in finding and securing employment, including:

• Writing and preparing a resume
• Job interviewing
• Writing and preparing a cover letter
• Searching for employment
• Networking
• The application process
• Following up on an application
• Personal branding
• Setting up and managing a LinkedIn profile
• Negotiating salary and benefits
• Workers rights and protections

These lessons (and many others) ensure you’re prepared for every stage of the employment process.


Lifelong Empowerment

We know that success isn’t a destination—it’s a mindset. That’s why we go beyond the bare-boned skills to support employment-seekers personally as well as professionally. Through leadership training, goal-setting, positive thinking, public speaking, and even team-building exercises designed to push you beyond your comfort zone, we do more than just train workers. We inspire and empower community leaders.

Our Employment Service program also includes individual life coaching as well as specialized training designed to help individuals achieve specific career goals.


Continued Community Support

Just because you land your dream job doesn’t mean the community support ends! The Employment Services program continues through the transition period and an individual’s working experience. Our Enliven life coaches will continue to work with you throughout your career, and our Low Entropy community will continue to support you in both your professional and personal development. Our trainings, resources, and life coaching stays holistic and personalized through every step in your career.


We believe that changing the world starts with changing our community, and changing our community starts with empowering individuals.

Ready to be a positive force in the workforce?

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Change Yourself and the World



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