The Non-Negotiables

March 11, 2024

Cassandra Di Lalla (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer

We live in a world that is unbelievably divided at times, and that can be so scary! A lot of people use poor judgement or make bad decisions. Some people are bystanders and don’t use their voice, either due to fear or discomfort . . . or maybe because they just cannot be bothered. And of course, there are others who stand up and put themselves at the forefront to prove that there’s still hope, and that faith in humanity can be restored.

There are; however, some things that are completely inexcusable and unacceptable:

  1. Mistreatment/disrespect, or threats of any kind towards my family

Why is this even on the list, like really Cassandra . . . Well, it should be fairly obvious as to why I will not respect or even listen to your point of view if you’ve mistreated/disrespected or threatened any members of my family. Quite honestly, I would hope that you protect your family just as much as I protect mine. My family members aren’t only my blood, but they’re also my best friends, my ride-or-dies, my heartbeat and the reason I’m still alive today. I cannot and will not respect those who have done my family wrong, especially to my mother, my late father and my brother, because they mean more to me than anything or anyone else in this world.

  1. Judgement of a disability or different abilities, or the mocking of a mental or physical disorder

My goodness—I don’t think people realize how much of a toll this takes on people who are suffering from these kinds of things. There are other people in the world who are fully aware of the words they are saying, the comments they are making, the looks they are giving, etc . . . yet they go out of their way to bully and harass those who are different than they are. I will never, under any circumstances, accept or tolerate people who choose to judge those who have a disability or are differently abled, or have a mental or physical disorder. Where’s the compassion or the empathy? I have always said that we are all children of the world—on the same planet, walking the same earth, so what’s the problem?

I can only hope that whatever you’re struggling with, you’re able to find peace and comfort knowing that there are strangers out there who are just waiting to be part of your life and prove to you that they’re really just friends you haven’t met yet. There are people in the world who would vouch for you, pray with you and for you, laugh with you, cry with you, or lend you their shoulder to cry on. There are magical people out there who will do whatever they can in order for you to feel at ease, to feel the love and care that you deserve despite the unkind reactions or unkind comments you’ve received throughout your life. They’re waiting to share a similar experience, or at least be able to talk about the difficulties surrounding their personal struggles too. We’re supposed to keep each other afloat—we should not allow people to sink deep into salty waters and then leave them there like the sunken treasures that have never been found.

  1. Racism and discrimination

I 1000 per cent live by the fact that there are good and bad people in every race, culture, ethnicity, religion, community, socioeconomic group, etc . . . It is completely irrelevant what a person’s status is in all aspects. If people are ready and willing to judge you based on your appearance or without even knowing anything about you, your upbringing or where you’re from, then there is absolutely no reason at all for that person to be given the time of day. I will not accept those who are not equally as accepting of others as I am. Truthfully, some people are hand-picking hatred and instilling fear in others as opposed to having an open heart, and teaching love and kindness.

There are so many others that I can truly go into detail about, but my goodness, I’d be writing this piece until next year if that were the case. Just remember that your contribution to this earth is a reflection of you and only you, so make sure you’re not poisoning the world with hatred and greed. We will all benefit from generosity and respect, as it’s a common practice among mindful individuals.  

Cassandra Di Lalla lives life purposefully. She enjoys reading, writing and mental health initiatives. She’s an animal lover for life and an innovative individual always finding new ways to create.

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