A Test for the Soul

January 12, 2024

Mariana Reis (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer

Most people in my circles know me as a holistic nutritionist, but my professional journey has some extra layers — I’m also a marketer. For a good six years, I rolled up my sleeves as a customer support coach at a major tech hub in Vancouver, BC.

Being in customer support taught me a lot, especially the constant need to radiate positivity and politeness. Now, don’t get me wrong — I genuinely love assisting people and solving problems, but maintaining that upbeat demeanor through thick and thin was a true test for the soul.

We often forget the emotional toll that service professionals endure with every new interaction or when helping a different customer. The next person in line has no clue about the challenges of the prior conversation, and customers aren’t responsible for the personal hurdles support agents might be facing. Behind the screens are real people, with feelings and moments of exhaustion, hoping for a bit of understanding.

Most days, I connected well with the people I assisted, but there were instances that left me pondering, contemplating a brief escape to regroup and maybe shedding a quiet tear. After those challenging moments, I’d take a moment to reset, hit the mental refresh button and plunge back in. Because that’s the nature of the role.

Having walked in the shoes of customer service, I strive to offer extra warmth and understanding to my colleagues in the field. It’s a demanding task — dishing out joy, empathy and care without expecting a parade in return is no small feat.

I’m putting in a friendly plea. Let’s be extra kind to the amazing people spending their days supporting others. A little forgiveness goes a long way because, let’s face it, they’re only human too. Instead of firing back or hitting up the manager hotline, why not share a bit of kindness and love? Let them know we get how tough it must be to hold the emotional fort all the time.

One of the sweetest things about my job as a customer support coach, which still rings true in my new career as a nutritionist, is cruising alongside my clients on their journeys, knowing I had a hand in their successes. Knowing I played a part in their wins? That’s a heartwarming joy that never gets old. Careers might shift, but the warmth of making someone’s day? That’s my kind of magic.

So here’s to believing that being there for others is like wrapping them in a cozy blanket of good vibes. I’m all in, spreading warmth to the folks I serve and those out there doing the serving. Here’s to a year filled with heartwarming vibes all around.

My name is Mariana and I am a holistic nutritionist. I love helping other immigrant mothers by cooking nutritious meals to support their postpartum recovery. As I walk the path of self-discovery and inner reconnection, my hope is to continue forging meaningful connections and seeking opportunities to support and uplift others.

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