Achieving Creativity
January 13, 2023

Faizah Latif (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there will ever be to know and understand.” – Albert Einstein
Art and creativity hold a different meaning for each individual. I truly believe that anyone at any age is able to hone into their creative side at any point in their lives. Creativity is the ability to create items that inspire and inform others in aesthetically pleasing ways.
Growing up, I did not think that I was an artistic person and thought that I would not be able to become one. However, I learned that you are able to train yourself and adapt easily to accepting your artistic side. We all have it in us; it is just a matter of exploration, and it may feel unnatural at first but just like anything, it will take time and practice to enrich our creative side. Art has a lot to do with developing important skills such as emotional intelligence, confidence, resilience, identity and belonging, and problem-solving skills. Creativity allows us to express our feelings, boosts our self confidence, and makes us happier. With art, one is better able to process their emotions and have a better understanding of their surroundings. As I became older and more self-aware, I realized that I became better at self-reflection and being able to better process my thoughts and feelings. This is an important skill to possess.
There are many forms of art and creativity to choose from, such as painting, dance, music, architecture, cinema, and literature to name a few. In embracing our creative side, we are able to learn a lot about ourselves and our environment. Sometimes, our day to day lives can become mundane and we can feel like we are in a rut. Allowing ourselves to embrace art and creativity can mean that we are using our imagination and entering a carefree, child-like state where we can release stress. With embracing creativity, we are able to shake things up and get out of our comfort zones. We can even surprise ourselves by learning something new and changing our perspective.
Mental health and wellbeing are enhanced through pursuing artistic activities. The British Journal of Clinical Psychology published a study which demonstrates that when individuals embrace arts and creative pursuits, there is a boost in positive emotions, thus increasing an individual’s overall happiness. Drexel University conducted a study showing that activities such as colouring or doodling enhances the brain’s pleasure pathways. Individuals were happier, and more confident about their art even if they were considered non-artists. This encouraged individuals to continue pursuing creative projects. Have you ever seen those adult colouring books? These were created for adults to de-stress from their day to day lives. Looks like colouring books are not just for children after all!
The best part about engaging in creativity is that you get to take part in self-expression. You have the ability to fully listen to your inner self and tap into something you really enjoy. You are also able to challenge yourself by taking risks, thus enhancing your confidence. One of the ways that I practice creativity in my own life is self-expression through blogging with Low Entropy. As a volunteer blog writer, I release my emotions into creative writing, and it is a healthy outlet for me. Trying different activities and seeing what works and what doesn’t is our way of learning about our identity.
To be creative is to be bold because along the way, we are sure to make mistakes. We are not following a logical path, rather we are creating our own journey which encourages risk-taking and growth. We are the authors of our own stories. The most important tool to art and creativity is to have fun with the process. It can be hard to let go of control, however if we allow ourselves even just a little bit of time each week for a creative activity, it will allow us to become more productive in our other activities. I hope that after reading this blog post you are inspired to either continue pursuing your artistic pursuits or will challenge yourself to try out a new artistic activity to learn more about yourself. Remember, the sky is the limit!
Faizah is an aspiring social worker, currently in the process of completing her Master in Social Work (MSW) degree. She enjoys self development and advocating for important causes in the community. Writing is one of Faizah’s passions, and she is honoured to share her writing on the Low Entropy platform in the hopes of providing inspiration.
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We understand that life can be confusing at times. It can seem challenging and sometimes you may feel like no one really “gets you.” We offer an opportunity to connect with others who have the capacity to understand you.