How Does Colonialism Impact Us?

July 7, 2023

Maryame Boulhajat (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer

“Does colonialism define Canada’s identity?” This question lingers in my mind as I contemplate the legacies of this country and immerse myself in its present cultures. Canada stands as a nation that ecompasses the presence of Indigenous peoples, descendants of European settlers and immigrants from diverse corners of the globe. To deeply grasp the characteristics of Canadian society, we need to seek an understanding of the profound impact of colonialism on each of these communities. Acknowledging and embracing these historical realities will help us collectively strive towards fostering a more inclusive and equitable future for all who call Canada their home.

Colonialism had and still has a far-reaching influence on Canadian land and its diverse inhabitants. Canada’s diverse Indigenous nations had their lives forever altered by the arrival of European settlers: treaties were broken, lands were seized, people were oppressed, children were kidnapped and cultures were suppressed, leaving a lasting impact on Indigenous communities.

The residential school system stands as a somber testament to the colonial legacy of this nation. Under this system, the bonds between Indigenous children, their families and their communities were forcibly ruptured; settlers aimed to assimilate Indigenous kids into European cultures, forcing them to break their ties to Indigenous customs, languages and ways of living. It was a dark chapter in Canadian history that left a deep imprint on Indigenous communities, shaping their current  realities and necessitating ongoing efforts towards accountability and reconciliation.

The far-reaching impacts of colonialism also involved the dispossession of Indigenous lands, facilitated by policies such as the Indian Act and the reserve system. These measures confined Indigenous peoples to designated reserves, resulting in limited self-sufficiency and economic opportunities. The reverberations of this land dispossession continue to impact successive emerging generations, shaping Indigenous communities’ connections with their ancestral territories and fueling their ongoing struggles for self-determination, sovereignty and the restitution of their land rights.

The descendants of European settlers have unquestionably been shaped by the effects of colonialism. The establishment of settler institutions and governance systems, grounded in European models, has played a key role in shaping Canada’s present political, economic and social structures. The benefits, privileges and opportunities inherited by settler descendants are often interconnected with the historical advantages stemming from colonization, thereby exacerbating socio-economic inequalities within Canadian society.

Immigrants are part of a society shaped by the historical power dynamics resulting from colonial encounters. While their experiences may differ from those of Indigenous peoples and the descendants of European settlers, they arrive in Canada with an understanding that the foundations of this nation are deeply intertwined with the complex and tragic legacies of colonialism. It prompts reflection on their responsibilities as newcomers to work toward making positive contributions to achieve genuine reconciliation.
Understanding the deep impact of colonialism on Canada’s diverse communities is key to grasping its current state. The imperative to address past injustices and transgressions compels us to confront them through collective introspection, to deepen our understanding of Indigenous histories and perspectives, and to actively foster initiatives of reconciliation and repair. This critical step paves the way for a collaborative journey towards a future characterized by equity, inclusivity and justice, welcoming all who call Canada their home.

Maryame Boulhajat is an engineer and entrepreneur with an insatiable appetite for knowledge and a passion for making a difference. Armed with a master’s degree in engineering, Maryame has worked across multiple industries, including energy, aerospace and healthcare. Maryame has always been driven by a desire to do more, particularly for women. With a specific focus on gender studies, she actively volunteers her time to write thought-provoking pieces on this subject.

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