
October 15, 2021

Cristina Crescenzo (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer


I have been having a lot of sleepless nights, so naturally I listen to music to put myself to sleep, but last night I came across a song I haven’t heard in a while. It was this is me tryingby Taylor Swift. While I was listening to it, I couldn’t help but think about the resilience of the human soul and how everyday someone in the world is actively fighting something. The song itself is about two people fighting very difficult obstacles, alcoholism and depression, with lyrics about wasting your potential as you are getting drunk on that third glass of whiskey. Another part of the narrative was about someone driving up to a cliffside and thinking about ending it all. In the end both of these people don’t give into their demons by the simple acts of not pouring another drink and by turning around and driving home. 


However, I believe we live in a society where small victories like that go unacknowledged, and that we have to be 100% fine or just give up entirely. The funny thing to me is that I know every single human being is dealing with their own problems, and while some are better at hiding it, we still know in our hearts that we don’t give others the benefit of the doubt. In my own personal experience, I think it is a big accomplishment when I just get out of bed, brush my teeth or eat something. To me, those are things that mean that I am not giving into my dark thoughts that day. I know that must seem like the bare minimum, but for me that is enough for now. Furthermore, I found as I grew up, there were fewer opportunities to be rewarded for our wins in the midst of a whole lot of loss than when we were kids and our teachers gave us gold stars. 


Unfortunately, as an adult, I guess we have to accept that there isn’t always going to be someone there to pat you on the back when you do something well, and we have to learn that the validation we give ourselves is enough. Therefore, although I may want my family to recognize the strength I have used in order to live my life, I will also have to realize that sometimes those small gestures towards peace might go unnoticed. So it may not be what you need, but it’s what you have to do to survive. Thus, if you are one of those people taking those small steps to overcome your affliction and you feel like no one sees you, just know that I do, and congratulate you on all your hard work up to this point! I would also like to suggest listening to some Taylor Swift, she always cheers me up when I am down.


Lastly, I just want to say to everyone who believes that their loved one isn’t doing anything to fix their situation, I promise you, if you pay attention, one day you will be able to have a front row seat to the greatest victory of their lives as they proclaim, “This is me trying!” 




I am a 21-year-old English major at Capilano University with hopes of eventually writing young adult novels, and spreading disability and mental health awareness.

5 thoughts on “Trying

  1. wow Cristina! Those were some powerful truths that not only had tears trickling down my face, but put me in a state of deep reflection. I can honestly say I feel your words because I have been there, having felt many times that death would be a better option, but grateful to God for giving me the strength to choose life. I think about my son and how I push him so much and although I am a grateful mother who shows more appreciation than criticism, there are times when I push and fail to recognize that he was trying.” your article opens up a new perspective for me to begin to see that every person is doing their best at their capacity. You are a brilliant young author and I pray that your journey will be one of beautiful discoveries, walking in divine purpose and prosperity in every area. Keep the articles coming, you beautiful soul💖!

    1. Thank you so much Jemilla for your kind words! I am so sorry I am replying to your comment so late but I wasn’t quite sure when this article would be posted if at all so I didn’t go looking for it. This is the greatest compliment as an inspiring writer and it is my own personal goal to have people get in touch with themselves in ways they haven’t before so this makes so happy that you connected to this article in some way!! I am at a lost for words for not only helping you understand your son but yourself as well since I am only 21 years old and I am sure I haven’t experienced half the things you have and probably half the wisdom as well.. this truly made my day again I am truly sorry for the late response hopefully you will see this :)) and thank you for your support and I wish you and your family all the best in the future!

    2. Thank you sooo much this is the highest compliment as an aspiring writer.. I am truly honoured you connected and took something away from words!

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