It’s free, priceless, and good for the soul: this festive season, Low Entropy Volunteer Writer Catherine Pulgar reminds us to give ourselves the gift of gratitude.
Christmas Christmas!!!
I know that I am not the only one eagerly anticipating the most beautiful time of the year. At least for me, Christmas represents love, family, and friendship. I know 2020 has been a challenging year, nowhere near the one we all hoped for in the final minutes of 2019. However, Christmas has always been a perfect moment to reflect on the past year and remind ourselves to feel gratitude.
I’m grateful that my family is safe and healthy in a year such as this. Even though they live in another country and won’t be travelling to visit me in Canada anytime soon, I’m just happy we will have time together in the years to come.
Christmas is the most memorable season for me. Since I was a little girl, I remember my grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins gathering together to celebrate the season. I grew up playing with my cousins and waiting for Santa Claus every December 24th. Sadly, for the past six years, we have not been able to keep this tradition. Due to political problems in our home country of Venezuela, most of my family emigrated across the globe, to places like the U.S., Peru, Argentina, Chile, and Europe. I know how difficult it is to celebrate holidays alone or differently.
This year Christmas looks different for everybody due to the current world situation, but this will not be forever. A new year is coming full of unique moments. My message to every person reading this post is to stay safe this holiday: it may look different or be more uncomfortable than previous years, but it will not remain this way. New Christmases will come, full of family and friends, and with a lot of food and eggnog.
In my case, I’m working to set up everything I need to have a tremendous Christmas. I’m planning a Zoom meeting with my family, I’m buying ingredients to prepare my traditional food, and I’m grateful that I’m healthy enough to do this with them.
I hope that you have a fantastic Christmas season.
If you find yourself struggling this time of year, here are some coping strategies, and please don’t hesitate to reach out to individuals and organizations who can offer you emotional support.
From all of us here at Low Entropy, we wish you the happiest of holidays and a brilliant new year.