Professional Sports and Self-Development

Danyal Hakakzargar, Low Entropy Volunteer Writer


  • Inclusion and Equality

Professional sports can range from solo events with no teammates, like swimming and golf, to team sports with many teammates, like baseball and soccer. Being inclusive and providing each member with an equal chance to grow and succeed is crucial. Due to the lack of respect or perceived equal value among teammates, sports teams frequently fail to prevent and manage internal problems. Teams benefit from a cohesive mentality since they frequently include players of all skill levels, from amateurs with limited experience to professionals with extensive experience. The leading sports teams can anticipate conflicts and resolve them before they become heated or disruptive to the team.  

  • Teamwork

Professional sports are competitive team activities where athletes must cooperate with coaches, trainers, and other team members. Athletes learn unity, productivity, and teamwork in a setting that also calls for passion and loyalty, whether they compete individually or as a team. For instance, to defeat other teams, soccer players must work with all team members, whereas weakly unified teams frequently succumb to pressure. Each athlete brings experience and values which play an essential role in achieving the team’s objective. Teamwork can be applied to collaboration and problem-solving, similar to leadership and discipline.

  • Leadership and Discipline

Sports also help to develop leadership qualities by teaching athletes respect, constructive criticism, and discipline in addition to teamwork and collaboration. A strong leader is aware of the advantages and weaknesses of their team members and encourages them to strengthen their areas of weakness while remaining open to self-improvement and constructive criticism. While some team captains have commanding and domineering personalities, the most effective ones exhibit tenacity and comprehension of both their players and the game. Importantly, leaders often initiate and uphold professionalism, respect, and discipline within the team. Leadership skills and discipline can be commonly used for logical thinking, decision-making and problem-solving.

  • Healthy Living and Consistency

Professional sports promote a healthy lifestyle that emphasizes consistency, balance, and agility in addition to individual and team skills. A healthy lifestyle, albeit subjectively defined, typically entails a consistent routine of sports or activities to maintain fitness, a balance of time spent on work, school, people, and other activities for mental and emotional health, and flexibility in adjusting to life’s changes. Staying fit not only improves one’s physical and mental well-being but also helps one concentrate and reduces stress. Generally, about 150 minutes of moderate-intense physical activity a week can reduce the risk of chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, many types of cancer, depression, anxiety, and dementia.

  • Sportsmanship and Respect

Professional sports promote competition, passion and loyalty which can often diminish respect and dignity between team members and opponents, which harms its beneficial implications. Professional and sagacious mentally train to maintain sportsmanship and respect even in the most heated moments of the competition. While competition is the key factor in creating excitement and thrill, constructive competition can often take matters out of hand, resulting in players suffering critical physical or psychological injuries. Thus, athletes must de-escalate matters and try their best to help their opponents, such as marathon runners carrying injured runners to the finish line. These skills can be used to manage and prevent conflicts as well as boost unity within teams.

Professional sports can foster rivalry, fervour, and loyalty, which can impair their positive effects by eroding respect and dignity amongst teammates and rivals. Even in the most heated parts of the competition, wise and professional athletes psychologically train to retain sportsmanship and respect. While competition is the primary driver of thrill and excitement, healthy competition can frequently spiral out of control and cause serious bodily or psychological harm to players. As a result, athletes must diffuse the situation and make every effort to assist their rivals, such as when marathon runners carry injured competitors to the finish line. These abilities can be used to handle and avoid disputes as well as increase team cohesion.

  • Analytical Skills

Athletes heavily practice analytical skills and require the rapid ability to collect, thoroughly analyze and remember information. Professional sports demand athletes to consistently train their visual, processing and problem-solving skills based on the information collected in almost immediate sequences depending on the speed of the sport. For example, tennis players commonly target their opponent’s backhand or forehand more often as they have analyzed their weaknesses and can use them as an advantage. The efficient analysis also allows athletes to recognize and adjust to changes using previous training and immediate judgment in addition to critical thinking. Analytical skills can be used for brainstorming, creative thinking and problem-solving.

  • Critical Thinking and Conflict Management

Professional sports put athletes under a lot of stress, but they also help develop their critical thinking and conflict management skills. In addition to internal conflicts, obstacles, and risks, critical thinking can be applied to sports and competitions. For instance, to avoid serious injuries, athletes must be aware of their limitations and alert their coaches of any mental or physical issues they may be having. To avoid harm to the athlete and team, coaches must similarly consider the athlete’s condition and make appropriate choices. These decisions are often immediate yet crucial, underscoring the value of intelligence and skill development.

Professional sports importantly give athletes the chance to work as and lead a team while honing their inclusivity, sportsmanship, and analytical and critical thinking skills.

Danyal is a fourth-year criminology and business student at Simon Fraser University with a keen approach to business lawyering, authoring articles about various topics including self-development, education and conflicts.

Dismissing the Baleful Gaze

Eri Ikezawa (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer

Close your eyes. 

Imagine you can feel the soft pulses of your heartbeat beneath your ribcage, the rhythmic rise and fall of your chest, air trickling out of your nose as you exhale. The intricate mechanisms of your body keeping you alive behind the scenes as you shuttle around the daily activities of your life. 

Now, add an intangible pressure thrumming low and subdued in the background. It snuffles like a tickled murmur in your ear at first, before its momentum accelerates and the pressure incrementally begins to make itself known to you. 

At best, you simply try ignoring it — and at worst, you try to swat at it irritably, like a pesky mosquito coming to make a quick feast of you. 

But you missed the target and you’re left with the pulsating itch beneath your skin, the insidious salvia of the insect causing a bodily reaction, the residual bump already raised and large. 

Peer pressure, to me, feels like a similar experience. 

When I have experienced it at its absolute worst — when I was surrounded by the wrong friends and people — I recall it feeling like a heavy burden, a pressure so immense it completely crystallized my free will. It had felt like it had temporarily inhibited my ability to act with sovereignty. 

And for me, the nadir was the lingering feeling of having abandoned my own values or morals to appease someone else, or to “fit in” seamlessly, frightened of whatever level of ostracization I would face for exposing my own raw thoughts. 

Now — to haul you back to the present-day version of myself — I have come to the realization that peer pressure is much easier to combat as one gets older, after gathering more wisdom and becoming more selective with the company you keep. As long as you are surrounded with positive people who respect you and your boundaries, peer pressure can become a thing of the past in your immediate inner circle. 

But at the end of the day, it is impossible to completely eradicate the presence of peer pressure in one’s life. Whether it is in the professional or personal arena, there will inevitably be someone who will push at the barrier of your boundaries to test how safe and sound it is, attempting to manipulate your navigational sense to suit their own agenda. 

Practically speaking, it isn’t easy to withstand such pressure — and it would be unfair to understate the arduousness of staying resilient, especially when you aren’t just facing one pesky individual who doesn’t respect your boundaries, but a group of them with hive mentality. 

What it then becomes is a question of how to manage the stress, discomfort and pressure that ensues — whilst still maintaining your position, sticking to your guns under the baleful gaze of a pushy lobbyist. 

There is no one way to accomplish a 100% success rate, especially if you possess people-pleasing tendencies (as I do), but it becomes a matter of practice and experience. I recall much of my youth, especially as a teenager and early twenties, being an incessant internal battle of priorities between my own needs and wants versus someone else’s happiness. 

Back then, my perspective was that in order to be a good person I had to make sacrifices to make other people happy. Now, I am still a proponent of this notion and so that creed hasn’t changed that much — that is, I still believe that you do need to make sacrifices to make people happy. But I realized over time that there have to be stipulations to that; I cannot place other people’s needs over mine without some level of partiality. 

So now, I have modified that idea too: I voluntarily choose to make sacrifices for people whom I love and care for, those who will willingly reciprocate my efforts in kind, whenever I can and have the capacity to do so. And if I have a remaining reserve of energy, then be kind and do what I can, whenever I am able to, for other people as well. 

This all stems from the core, ensuring that I am maintaining and nourishing my emotional stock and wellness in order to then make more space for other people; I am choosing to make decisions that personally benefit me, without maliciously harming others, and it is not wrong or inherently selfish. And oftentimes, I really don’t mind going out of my way for other people, so it makes me feel better that I am not being stingy with generosity.

When I got to a point where I truly understood the weight of those words, truly entrenching and drenching myself in those concepts, it became easier to shed the burden of peer pressure. Rather than intensely sensing the malignant pressure of other people’s expectations and desires, I felt as though it glided right off my skin, a slick slide of tough scales protecting me from becoming malleable for the sake of ingratiating myself to other people. 

But as I mentioned earlier, just because it has gotten easier, it is always a matter of practice to ensure that I continue to advocate for myself, my values, and for people who may still struggle with speaking up for themselves. I don’t always succeed, but for each year, I know that my ability to endorse for myself is getting stronger and better. And so I take each “failure” as a lesson in hopes that, if a similar situation arises, I will be able to rise to the occasion next time. 

I try to remind myself, at the end of the day, that pleasing someone else by bending and moulding myself to suit their needs resolves the unsatisfying sensation of displeasing them temporarily. But if I compromise my own values or desires that are valid for someone else, the cognitive dissonance of letting myself do so will most likely have a lasting value. 

And I want to be proud of myself for making the right choices for a better tomorrow. 

My name is Eri Ikezawa and I have an extended minor in psychology and a major in linguistics. I’m still on the path to quelling questions about myself and the direction I want to head in, but in the meantime, I have always wanted to find a way to help others and contribute to a community dedicated to personal development and self-love.

Wake Up and Be Better: Am I Not Doing Enough for the World?

Nasly Roa Noriega (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, feeling my chest pounding fast as I am overwhelmed by so many questions swirling around in my head. What am I doing with my life? I take a slow breath, get out of bed and look up at the starry horizon overlooking my bedroom and ask myself with a clear mind: Am I doing enough for this world that barely knows me?

To wake up every day is a great achievement for human existence, it is to know that you have the opportunity to take advantage of a new day, it is the greatest challenge to wake up and have a path that takes you somewhere. Whether or not you are doing something for others, knowing what you are going to leave to those who come after you should be something to which you should turn your mind.

When I was a child I thought everything was so easy and thought of the ease of a better future. That’s why I wanted to grow up fast, because I thought I could reach the sky just by closing and opening my eyes. But I grew up. I do not know from what moment everything became so difficult but, today seems so uncertain, because it is not in my hands to change the world or do enough to leave that piece of heaven to those who come after me.

And I realize that I must survive many prejudices that hinder the realization of my dreams if I want to achieve that peace of mind that allows me to go further than I could have imagined as a child, and that my existence is indispensable in this complex world.

Years have passed and I still have things to do, but time is ticking and the clock of life is running so fast that it barely gives me room to breathe. In such a complex world, the most important thing is to face the fear that can block your mind, the fear that silences your voice when you want to be heard, the fear that paralyzes you when you want to take firm steps. This is what I do day by day: face that fear that makes us weak, look at the world without fear and involve others in my decision to make a better world, where we can live without fear of making mistakes and think like children, eagerly desiring that future and learning to live with fear, but not letting it defeat us.

In this world, a large part of the population does not know that I exist, much less what I am doing for the world. I do not know what the rest of the world does to improve it, but what I do know is that I wake up every day knowing that my voice can be encouragement to others who have lost the strength to continue fighting. I wake up with the firm strength that my children will continue doing their best to take care of their world, and to guide those who have lost their way.

One day I woke up and made the wise decision to volunteer at Low Entropy, and though I had never heard of this organization, something told me that they could allow me to reach other people whom I did not know, but whom I could encourage and guide through my words to continue making the world a shared one where, despite the distances between us, we feel closer every day and there are no differences, a world where we can give a lot without expecting anything in return. Then I understood that there are no distances and no barriers keeping us from doing enough for the world in which we live, that language will not limit me to reach more people and tell them, “Here I am! I exist for you.” I understood that I could reach more voices and we could form echoes that resonate in every corner, because every wise word I contributed could encourage someone, and subtle gestures could allow me to generate smiles from people who had lost hope. Living and thinking about other people keeps the Earth spinning, and every time someone wakes up they have the same ability that I do to wake up each day and give the best of themselves.

Thanks to Low Entropy, I understood that we can join more people to change the world, helping others to believe in themselves and go far, crossing distances and remembering our motto that I repeat every day: “Change yourself, Change the world.” The world turns according to the way you turn it, the steps flow in the way you decide to move forward and your attitude is what generates positive or negative changes in your life. Accepting that we are different, but that we can make a difference, is the first step in moving forward. Knowing that many people have dreams, longings and hopes keeps the Earth breathing.

Am I doing enough for the world? I am. Are you?

Nasly is an economist living in Colombia, in a very nice coastal city called Santa Marta. She has been writing since she was a child, and has always thought that writing is the fastest way to speak without fear of expressing what we feel. Being a volunteer is a very rewarding job in Nasly’s life, as she believes there is nothing more important than helping without expecting anything in return.

A Higher Standard

Bethany Howell (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer

I sit with a student to whom I have been assigned who must reach a certain level of reading before the “big test” at the end of the month. Another student that I work with, who seems to me to be perfectly capable of all skills tested, fails her final exam, despite my best efforts. Though I have been taught throughout my life that testing is a crucial part of education, I begin to question whether it is truly a reliable measure of students’ understanding, knowledge and success in academics and beyond.

Through completing my undergraduate degree in psychology and child development with multiple courses focused solely on education, I have found that modern research does not line up with the current educational practice of standardized testing. In other words, testing in education may not be as effective as we once thought. 

Decades of research has produced mixed reviews as to whether standardized assessments such as literacy exams are the best way to evaluate a student’s abilities. Though they may be effective for some, many students do not perform well under the intense pressure and high anxiety levels of standardized testing environments. It is my belief that this level of pressure is not only unreasonable, but also makes education inaccessible for many students. As has been seen in the cases of at-risk students and diverse populations, standardized testing seems to benefit students that can afford such luxuries as individual tutoring and leave other students behind. Families that do not have the time, space or funds to enroll their children in educational supports are at a severe disadvantage when it comes to mass testing, leading to further pressure for these children to perform well. Due to this, the numbers of at-risk students who perform well on standardized tests are much lower than the numbers of students actually able to grasp and use the knowledge they have been given. Students who are prone to anxiety or require special accommodations are also at further disadvantage due to the stressful mental and overwhelming sensory experience of mass testing.

Much of standardized testing relies on rote memorization ability, as opposed to actual practical applications of knowledge. The statement I heard so much as a child comes to mind — “You will not always have a calculator in your back pocket.” Obviously, in this day and age, we do. Most, if not all of us, carry a powerful calculator, search engine, and database of almost all information throughout human history in our pockets. Indeed, you are likely viewing this article on such a device! Smartphones have not only revolutionized the way we live, but also how we view knowledge. Memorization of facts is no longer a valuable skill, as a quick Google search can be completed in under 30 seconds to find any formula, definition or date. Though we test youth on their ability to memorize, many of us likely do not remember — nor need to remember — the facts that we emphasize as being so crucial for children to know. Similarly, very few of us will ever be put in scenarios where rote memorization is required in the modern workplace.

Due to all of the reasons listed above, many schools have begun turning away from the rote memorization required for mass testing in favour of more competency-based models, including projects or cumulative averages of past work completed. Other schools have adopted practical applications as a key way to measure student understanding. This revised form of education is what is recommended through the Universal Design for Learning — a practice I myself subscribe to when teaching students. The goal of the Universal Design for Learning (or UDL) is to make education accessible for all using current research in youth psychology. As someone who has studied child psychology and worked in education for years, I cannot help but to be drawn towards this model. The UDL framework has proven to be one of the most effective models to date for bridging the gap between at-risk and privileged youth. Using systems brought forth through the UDL system, I have been able to assist many students in not only surviving an education system built to exclude them, but also to thrive learning in their own way. Instead of forcing youth to perform in a standardized environment, I have found that most students simply need to be shown a way that works for them — a way that incorporates how they learn and what they want to know. 

Altogether, though there is still plenty of research to be done about testing and its effects on modern students, I believe that it is no longer as necessary as it once was. Looking into the future, most current students will not require any of the rote memorization that we rely on to test ability. In 20 years’ time, I expect that wisdom, critical thinking and practical applications will be used to assess students, not their ability to perform well on a standardized test.

My name is Bethany Howell and I am a university graduate with a BAH in psychology focusing on families and children. I am now continuing my education through taking post-graduate studies in addiction and mental health and plan to go on to complete my master’s in psychotherapy. I have a passion for writing and it has been my goal since age 13 to make a difference through helping others.

Imposter Syndrome – Am I Just Not Good Enough?

Deema Katrina Khalil (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer


Throughout my adult life, I have felt a sense of inadequacy about my achievements. I remember it starting when I got accepted into my first-choice program at a university in Montréal shortly after moving here. Being an immigrant, doubts crept into my mind, questioning whether I truly deserved that opportunity. A thought lingered: “Maybe exams back in my home country were easier compared to the ones in Canada.” I couldn’t escape the belief that if I had been born here, I wouldn’t have achieved as much. These feelings of unworthiness clung to me throughout my five years of studying Biochemistry with a minor in French studies. Constantly comparing myself to my classmates, I couldn’t help but think they were far smarter than I could ever be. Even after successfully completing all the required classes for a demanding five-year program, I couldn’t shake off the thought that “luck” had played a major role in my accomplishments.


Looking back on those days, I now see a perspective that eluded me back then. I had intentionally chosen one of the most challenging majors, and saw many of my classmates switch their paths or abandon their academic pursuits altogether. Despite not being the highest achiever, I gave it my all and never gave up. I should have been proud of myself for that. Meanwhile, a cloud of feeling undeserving overshadowed me.


After graduating, I faced the reality of having a science degree without practical experience in the field. This put me at a disadvantage compared to my peers who had internships and hands-on lab work. Combined with my imposter syndrome, though I didn’t recognize it as such at the time, it made things even more challenging. I had spent so many years on my education and the thought of not being able to secure a job terrified me. Surprisingly, this fear became my driving force, pushing me to work harder than ever.


Over the next three months, I was attending job search workshops, while also improving my resume and job search strategy. Drawing from my previous experience in customer service and a fair amount of volunteering, I decided to leverage those skills. It took months of putting in the effort, facing setbacks, making improvements, and more attempts. Finally, I received an interview invitation from a company where I had previously fallen short at the final stage. The HR department had told me that “the hiring manager was seeking someone with more experience.” However, this time, I was recommended to him not once, but twice, which led to another interview. And I was prepared to articulate my professional journey—past, present, and future. That interview ultimately landed me my first job. Everything went smoothly, and I felt as though I had found the perfect opportunity at the perfect moment in my life. But even then, a lingering thought persisted: “Did I exaggerate my skills during the interview? Maybe I simply got lucky.”


It wasn’t until the spring of 2022 that I searched deeper into the topic of imposter syndrome and began to truly understand and relate to this condition. Although I had come across the term in previous years, I hadn’t been able to understand its significance until then. It was a turning point for me. That year I started journaling daily, and taking the time to answer challenging introspective questions that pushed me to confront my innermost thoughts and feelings.


Prior to this point, I had a habit of pushing myself hard to achieve my goals, but as soon as I crossed that finish line, I would downplay all my efforts. Even when I was making progress in the present moment, a voice inside me whispered that my progress was just not that great. Those thoughts affected the way I viewed my education, work promotions, writing, drawing, and every other skill I developed over the years.


Another significant factor that fueled those negative thoughts was that I attributed success to public recognition and financial revenue. I believed that if my knowledge, or any skill I developed weren’t widely recognized or generating income, it couldn’t be considered a success. While that belief is far from the truth, I unfortunately see many people around me battling with those same thoughts. We see people online with millions of followers and dollars, and we think that numbers equate to value. Social media has created a very limited definition of success. And since we spend so much time navigating the internet, we may begin to have a diminished appreciation of the achievements we’re making in our personal lives, which don’t necessarily reach an audience and don’t generate income. This is why imposter syndrome is becoming more prominent in our lives nowadays.


If you deal with imposter syndrome or struggle to find what success means to you, I will share with you three pieces of advice from what I learned while navigating this topic and reflecting on my own experiences.


Advice #1: Be Proud of your Journey

Take the time to reflect on the challenges you have overcome, and the skills you have developed along the way. Take pride in your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. And recognize that your efforts and progress are meaningful, regardless of external validation or financial gains.


Advice #2: Challenge your Inner Critic

Imposter syndrome is often fueled by a harsh inner critic that undermines your confidence and highlights your perceived flaws. Take the time to challenge these negative thoughts and reframe them with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your strengths, unique qualities, and the value you bring to the table.


Advice #3: Continue Growing and Learning

Imposter syndrome can be a result of feeling inadequate or unqualified in comparison to others. Instead of giving in to self-doubt, view it as an opportunity for growth. Embrace a mindset of continuous learning and improvement. Seek out new knowledge, skills, and experiences that will boost your confidence. Remember that everyone has room for growth and that learning is a lifelong journey.


I hope my story and advice can help you to gradually start to break free from the patterns of imposter syndrome. It’s an ongoing journey, and there will still be moments when imposter syndrome tries to resurface. But with consistent self-reflection, you can develop the awareness to acknowledge imposter syndrome patterns, challenge them, and continue to move forward with confidence and authenticity.

Deema Katrina is a Blogger from Montreal, Canada. She comes from a science background and currently works in the drug development industry, but her interests go beyond that. Some of the topics she passionately explores are self-awareness, personal development and financial literacy. She believes that every person has the capacity to succeed when given the right tools and resources. Her goal is to share the knowledge she learned from delving into these topics, and help others become better versions of themselves.

A Life off Track

Via Genzon (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer

When you become an adult, you are confronted with the big questions: Who do you want to be? What do you want to do? How will you get there? There isn’t only one way to do life, but when you grow older, the pressures and expectations become stronger, not only from society, but also from your own self. 

A year ago I graduated from university, which liberated me from the pressures of academia. The sense of freedom and the excitement of a new beginning gave me the high that most people in their early 20s feel. I was on top of the world. However, like most things, it didn’t last. I felt so empty and lost after my convocation. For most of my life until that moment there was a clear path that I wanted to follow — finish school and get my degree. But no one prepared me for the emptiness you feel when you finally have to carve your own path and answer the big questions in life. Some people had it figured out sooner, and it put a lot of pressure on me.

The job hunt phase was excruciating, but the worst part was feeling lost in life. I see my peers going to grad school or starting their jobs right after graduation while I was still figuring out what I wanted to do. It felt like I was behind in life and I was doing everything wrong. Of course that wasn’t true, but at that moment it didn’t feel like that feeling would ever end. That difficult time forced me to face deep reflections and confront my anxieties and fears. Fortunately, I wasn’t alone — I was lucky enough to go through adulthood with my long-term friends.

There is something profound and beautiful about growing up with your childhood friends and going through big transitions in life together. Despite choosing different paths, we shared the common experience of navigating through adulthood and all its highs and lows. Talking about our experiences and learning from each other helped me realize that I was very much on track with my life, because life is not a race — we all have our own pace. It’s easy to forget that sometimes, because it’s so much easier to compare yourself to others, especially with the existence of social media. We see highlights of other people’s lives all the time, yet we lack the context to fully understand what happens behind the scenes. Talking to my close friends and listening to their unfiltered realities kept me grounded. It’s normal to feel scared and lost, no matter what age or stage you occupy in life.

It’s been a year since my convocation, and I am a completely different person now. I can’t say I have it all figured out yet, but I know myself better. I think I have a better idea of who I want to be, but at the same time I know that my answer could change any time, and I’m perfectly fine with that. I believe that we are not meant to stay a single version of ourselves for the rest of our lives. A significant part of the human experience is change, and with change comes growth. You don’t have to start a career after graduation, you don’t have to settle down in your 20s, you don’t have to raise a family in your 30s, you don’t have to live your life by anyone’s standard. You are in control of your own journey, and you can change your path anytime. A good friend of mine used to say, “You have the rest of your life to figure yourself out, so be kind and patient to yourself.”

Leave your thoughts for Via in the comments below. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and YouTube to stay up-to-date with Low Entropy news!

Beyond Putting Up With It

Cassandra Di Lalla (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer


In life there are many stressors, and workplace stress is a huge stressor for a large percentage of us. Ever since I started working, I often ask myself how to manage workplace stress. Why? Because workplace stress seems to occupy quite a bit of my time and is constantly clouding my mind or corrupting my thoughts. I’m exhausted, I’m drained and I’m burned out.


The stress levels one can endure vary to a certain degree, but we are all human and we all need time to release negative energy, relax comfortably, and recharge for overall wellness of the mind, body and soul. It can affect you in more ways than one, but in severe cases, it can cause changes in your weight, hair loss, nausea, migraines, fatigue, depression and anxiety.


Now, what if your stress levels are through the roof? What happens if you’ve brought up your concerns to management and they’ve flat out ignored your plea for accommodations to lessen the workload or a modification of your tasks during this difficult time? Or what if management is completely oblivious to what’s actually going on in the workplace and brushes you off, making you feel like your feelings are invalid? Your next steps should be to take time off as you need it. If you are not being acknowledged, it is no fault of your own if you’ve already warned your workplace that you’re beginning to burn out, or if you’ve already reached that point. It is up to management to evenly distribute the workload, and if you become overwhelmed and overworked, it is a failure on their part.


The mind is very powerful, but also very fragile. We can only retain so much information before our head feels as though it’s going to explode. And that’s why we become so stressed, irritated, anxious or overwhelmed, or feel unreasonably challenged to have to uphold a standard for the jobs we’re trying to complete. It’s daunting. A job should never, under any circumstances, make you question your happiness or health. That’s a huge red flag! 


Managing workplace stress comes in different forms for everyone, since everybody’s tolerance levels for stress can and will vary greatly. One thing each of us have or will have in common, however, is stress in general. Everyone has felt stressed out to some degree in their life when it comes to work. Some of us are much better at managing it than others, and there are individuals who shut down entirely and feel hopeless and discouraged. I will openly admit that I am the latter . . . as much as I try to avoid stress in the workplace (as I’m sure you all do as best you can), it seems it always follow me very closely . . . uncomfortably so. 


There are a handful of things that I like to do in order to lessen the feeling of stress, not stress itself, but the feeling. I cannot avoid stress or prevent myself from being stressed, but I can allow myself to do things that calm me down in that moment. I try to be “in the moment” or practice mindfulness in the most suitable way, based on the situation, or who or what is involved . . . or how my stress levels came to be an uninvited guest at work. Stress is never welcome but, unfortunately, it’s extremely stubborn and shows up anyway. 


Here are a few ways to alleviate the feeling of stress:


  1. Make yourself a nice warm cup of tea . . . a hug in a mug.
  2. Listen to calming music, such as binaural beats or Shamanic drumming.
  3. Go for a walk around the block or follow the path of a walking trail.
  4. Embrace Mother Nature: be in it every moment possible, take pictures of trees, a waterfall, flowers, etc . . . 
  5. Choose a mantra to live by, something you truly believe in or that resonates well with you.
  6. Express yourself in writing or draw something, even if you’re just doodling.
  7. Pet your dog, cat, rabbit, etc . . . or if you don’t own any fur friends, drop by an animal shelter/rescue to give the animals the love they need and deserve . . . it’ll be a rewarding experience for you too. 
  8. Get those eight hours of sleep, or at least make sure you’re well-rested because you will do much better if you’ve fully immersed yourself into a slumber and reached your REM cycle. Don’t deprive yourself of rest. 
  9. Set boundaries and don’t push yourself past your breaking point. Challenge yourself, but don’t overdo it.
  10. Accept the fact that you are disposable and replaceable at work, so if this job isn’t right for you, find something else that’ll make your professional life rewarding instead of regretful.


Unfortunately, a lot of people struggle in their workplace and are always finding ways to escape the doom of being tied to or associated with daily tasks that completely drain them out. Some individuals are only staying at their current jobs because they’re living paycheque to paycheque and are unable to find other work at this time; they are only “putting up with it” because they’re in no financial place to simply quit. 


At the end of the day, you should always be putting you and your health first but it can be very hard given the fact that your health may be affected due to workplace stress. There is no workplace in this entire world that is worth stressing to that extent or getting sick over. You are already doing the best you can and giving it your all, and that, is more than good enough. It takes a very strong-willed and courageous person to be continuing on with their employment while burning out or to continue after being burned out. 


I guess a lot of it has to do with the famous saying, “Mind over matter.” Sometimes, we use that as a temporary distraction to allow us to finish up with a day’s work, or sometimes, we are strong enough to go by those words on a daily basis to power through and continue on with no problem.


That said, don’t forget to take breaks and always make sure to put yourself first before work, because life is short. So live now before you completely burn out and have zero energy to do the things you enjoy, or the things that have been on that darn bucket list of yours! 


You are entitled to freedom and deserving of happiness; you are your own decision-maker, and your own world-shaker! 


Taking care of yourself is never selfish. The way you treat yourself is central to your health, and without your health, you’re not giving yourself the best version of you . . . and THAT is what’s selfish. 

Cassandra Di Lalla lives life purposefully. She enjoys reading, writing and mental health initiatives. She’s an animal lover for life and an innovative individual always finding new ways to create. 

How to Manage Workplace Stress

Grace Cheng (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer

Stress at work is a serious and prevalent issue among employees in many businesses around the world. Today’s fast-paced work environments are demanding, and employee well-being and productivity are adversely affected by stress, as it hurts both their personal and professional lives. Besides causing mental health issues, it may also negatively impact the productivity of employees. It is therefore essential that workplace stress be managed effectively so that both employers and employees can reap the resulting benefits. In this article, we will explore the complexities of workplace stress to provide practical strategies for effectively managing and minimizing its negative effects.

Identifying the sources of workplace stress is the first step toward managing it. These can be issues like tight deadlines or a toxic working environment. As soon as the sources of stress are identified, measures should be taken to reduce them. A work-life balance should be maintained by employers by not overloading employees with too much work and allowing them to take appropriate breaks between tasks. Furthermore, employers should take proactive steps to create a healthy and productive work environment.

Another tactic for managing workplace stress is allowing for stress-management activities at work, such as yoga, meditation and so forth. The importance of practicing stress busters such as deep breathing and focusing on positivity should also not be overlooked. This would allow employees to gain better perspectives on their work, which would reduce their stress levels.

We must first understand the nature and sources of workplace stress before we can identify strategies for effectively managing it. The causes of stress can be diverse, such as heavy workloads, strict deadlines, a lack of control or autonomy, poor communication, interpersonal conflicts, or an uncertain outlook. It is important to identify personal triggers and tailor management techniques accordingly to suit everyone’s response to these stressors.

Mitigating workplace stress requires the creation of a supportive workplace environment. Employers should encourage open communication channels and allow their employees to share their concerns, ideas and feedback with them. By establishing a strong network of colleagues and supervisors whose values are positive, cooperative and respectful, stress levels can be significantly reduced.  Companies can also implement wellness programs, offering employees the opportunity to participate in exercises related to mindfulness and stress management.

Overwhelming workloads are one of the primary causes of workplace stress. An effective way to address this issue is to adopt time and task management techniques. Setting realistic deadlines and prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance are all effective methods of meeting goals. In addition, practicing delegation can relieve stress and foster a sense of teamwork by assigning tasks to competent colleagues.

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for managing workplace stress. By scheduling enough time for personal activities, hobbies and relationships outside of work, you will be able to recharge and rejuvenate yourself. By establishing clear boundaries between work and personal life, such as avoiding excessive overtime and encouraging digital disconnection during leisure time, one can decrease stress levels.

Managing work-related stress requires the development of emotional intelligence, which is the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions and those of others. Self-reflection and self-awareness exercises, seeking feedback and maintaining a positive outlook are all effective strategies for building resilience. By focusing on physical health, nutrition, sleep and relaxation techniques, we can combat stress and maintain overall well-being.

Whenever workplace stress becomes overwhelming, colleagues, friends or family members can provide much-needed support. Furthermore, some organizations offer employee assistance programs or counseling services to address mental health concerns. The assistance of therapists, psychologists or coaches who specialize in workplace stress may provide valuable guidance as employees navigate difficult situations.

Both employers and employees must collaborate to manage workplace stress. Stress can be effectively managed in the workplace by identifying and eliminating the sources of stress, incorporating stress-busting activities and practices, taking regular breaks and seeking assistance when needed. We must collectively prioritize the importance of managing workplace stress and establish work environments that prioritize employee welfare and productivity.

Grace has an accounting and finance background. She enjoys reading, writing, listening to music, watching movies and playing sports.

From Stress to Success: Navigating Workplace Pressure Like a Pro

Sasna Nawran (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer

Workplace pressure refers to the stress, demands, and expectations that individuals experience in their work environment. 

It can arise from various sources, such as heavy workloads, tight deadlines, high-performance expectations, interpersonal conflicts, organizational changes or a lack of resources. Workplace pressure can be both internal (self-imposed) and external (imposed by the organization or colleagues).

In today’s fast-paced and demanding work environments, the ability to navigate workplace pressure with confidence and grace is crucial for personal and professional success. 

In this article, we’ll explore the causes of workplace pressure and discuss valuable pstrategies that will help you navigate workplace pressure like a pro.

Causes of Workplace Pressure

  • High workloads and tight deadlines
  • Unrealistic expectations, either internal or external
  • Feeling a lack of control over one’s work
  • Difficult relationships or conflicts with colleagues, supervisors or clients
  • Organizational changes and restructuring
  • Fear of job loss or uncertainty about future employment
  • Lack of work-life balance
  • The self-imposed pressure to achieve perfection or excessive fear of making mistakes
  • An organizational culture that promotes excessive competition, long working hours, or discourages work-life balance
  • Insufficient support, inadequate resources or a lack of training and development opportunities

Workplace pressure can be overwhelming and stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right strategies and mindset, you can learn to manage and even thrive under pressure at work. 

Below are some tips and strategies for handling workplace pressure.

Recognize and Acknowledge the Pressure

The first step in handling workplace pressure is recognizing its existence and acknowledging its impact on your well-being. 

Take the time to identify the specific stressors in your work environment and how they affect you personally. Awareness is key to developing effective strategies for managing pressure.

Prioritize and Plan

When facing multiple tasks and deadlines, it’s important to prioritize effectively. 

Start by identifying the most critical and time-sensitive tasks and create a plan of action. Breaking down larger projects into smaller, manageable tasks can help alleviate feelings of overwhelm. 

Establishing a clear timeline and setting realistic goals will allow you to focus your energy efficiently.

Practice Effective Time Management

Time management is a fundamental skill when it comes to navigating workplace pressure. 

Use tools such as to-do lists, calendars, or project management apps to organize and structure your workday. 

Prioritize your tasks based on their importance and deadlines, and allocate dedicated time blocks for focused work. Avoid multitasking, as it can lead to decreased productivity and increased stress levels.

Develop Healthy Coping Mechanisms

Finding healthy ways to cope with workplace pressure is essential for maintaining your well-being. 

Identify activities that help you relax and recharge, such as exercise, meditation or hobbies. 

Taking regular breaks throughout the day and setting boundaries between work and personal life can also contribute to reducing stress levels.

Cultivate Strong Communication Skills

Effective communication is vital when navigating workplace pressure. 

Openly communicate with your colleagues, supervisors or team members about workload, deadlines and challenges. 

Express your concerns and seek support or assistance when needed. Clear and open communication can help alleviate pressure and foster a supportive work environment.

Develop Resilience

Building resilience is crucial for handling workplace pressure like a pro. 

Recognize that setbacks and challenges are a part of professional life, and view them as opportunities for growth and learning. 

Cultivate a positive mindset and focus on solutions rather than dwelling on problems. 

Developing resilience will enable you to bounce back quickly and adapt to changing circumstances.

Seek Support and Collaboration

Don’t hesitate to seek support from your peers, mentors and professional networks. 

Engage in discussions and share experiences with others who may be facing similar challenges. Collaborating with colleagues can lead to innovative solutions and provide a fresh perspective on managing workplace pressure.


Navigating workplace pressure like a pro requires a combination of self-awareness, effective planning and strong coping skills. 

By recognizing and acknowledging the pressure and prioritizing tasks, managing time efficiently, developing healthy coping mechanisms and fostering open communication, you can proactively manage workplace pressure and achieve success while maintaining your well-being. 

Remember, everyone goes through workplace pressure at different levels. Therefore it’s not about eliminating the pressure, but learning to navigate it effectively. Embrace the challenge and let it propel you toward personal and professional growth.

Leave your thoughts for Sasna in the comments below. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and YouTube to stay up-to-date with Low Entropy news!

Why I’m Never on Time

Alfie Lawson (he/him/his), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer

It’s around 7:28 in the evening. I have plans to meet my friends at 7:30. Despite rushing to get out of the house, and some thoroughly robust power walking, I know I won’t make it for another 10 minutes. So I get out my phone and type up what could be my catchphrase: “Sorry guys, gonna be a bit late.”

Yes, I am known as “the late one.” I’m always running slightly behind the plan. Some of the people who know me have even adapted to this. They’ve started to arrive 10 minutes after our agreed meet up time, and jokes about telling me to get somewhere an hour early are common.

My recurring challenges with punctuality often annoy me. However, I’m not the only person to go through this, with YouGov finding in 2014 that nearly one in five U.S. adults are late for work at least once a week. So with habitual lateness seemingly widespread, let’s talk about the reasons why this could be.

Running Late

Trying to pinpoint what makes a person late can be a complicated journey. Any notion that I’m just selfish and that I perceive my time as more valuable than others feels misplaced. I’m not that inconsiderate, right?

Well, thankfully, it appears there’s more to it than that. Research shows that there are multiple types of late people. They include the following:

  • Deadliners: They enjoy the rush of meeting a deadline, often at the last minute.
  • Rationalisers: They believe that external factors such as traffic are to blame.
  • Indulgers: They prefer to take their time and might struggle to begin a new task.
  • Producers: They have to keep busy; they’re usually late due to multitasking.
  • Rebels: They don’t like to follow the rules, especially seemingly arbitrary ones.

Most of us will fit somewhere in between these categories. For instance, one of the reasons I’m often late is that I don’t like being early. Being early means I have to kill time, which feels like a waste of time. It often results in me doing more before I leave the house, and I unintentionally try to get to places exactly on time. This probably makes me a bit of a deadliner and a producer. 

I can also see myself as a rationaliser. I think that my reliance on technology can do more harm than good, because if Google Maps tells me it’ll take 22 minutes to get somewhere, I’ll leave 20 minutes beforehand. I often find myself walking faster than these apps predict, so I rationalise that it won’t ever take as long as predicted. If I end up being late, then it’s the fault of the bus I had to catch or train that turned up a minute off of what Google Maps said.

Are there exceptions?

Whilst our motives for being tardy may differ, many argue that lateness is driven fundamentally by conscientious personality traits. More specifically, we are either “timekeepers” or “timebenders.”

Those in the latter group are the people who don’t enjoy routine, and frequently jump between tasks instead of finishing things one at a time. They will often have messy desks at work or disorganised living spaces because of this. It is also this habit to timebend that causes us to be late, regardless of the type of late person we are. 

However, despite the title of this piece, most people have exceptions. Again, from personal experience, I tend to arrive to things like job interviews and flights early. But if I’m catching a train that departs every 20 minutes or so, then I’m far more likely to be late.

So perhaps when things are unfamiliar or difficult to reorganise, punctuality is less of an issue. But if the consequences of being late aren’t severe enough, then my habit to timebend emerges. 

Thus, my instinct is to try and meet deadlines exactly and keep busy instead of arriving to places early. I seem to unintentionally do this whenever it’s likely that I’ll be forgiven for not being on time. 

But I hope that, if I’m only slightly late for things and it doesn’t inconvenience my friends, family or myself too much, there are worse things in the world than being tardy. Our lives are so rigidly structured around time and schedules that it’s often okay to be a little out of sync occasionally.

Overall, it’s been worth trying to understand why it feels like I’m never on time. If I get sick of texting my friends my “I’m going to be late” message, or if running for every bus and train gets too tiring, I’ll pay attention to that clock a little more. Until then, you can probably find me running to the nearest bus stop or train station.

Leave your thoughts for Alfie in the comments below. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and YouTube to stay up-to-date with Low Entropy news!

The Pressure to Spend Big on Weddings

Arsh Gill, Low Entropy Volunteer Writer

With a wedding comes union, love and sacrifices, but also expectations. Sometimes expectations come from what is rooted within an individual, and other times expectations are brought in with the guests. Regardless, expectations can cause an overwhelming sense of pressure that may lead to unreasonable decisions, misaligned with one’s actual wants, to spend excessive amounts on the ceremony.

A lot of guests expect weddings to have large venues, big cakes, grand decorations and magical experiences, because they expect a certain level of entertainment and memories to be generated at such an event. Alongside that, sometimes the pressure to spend big on weddings comes from the hope to outdo others to whom you feel you will be compared and judged alongside, to see who had the most grand and memorable wedding. Regardless, when inviting people to take time out of their busy lives and attend an event to celebrate your love and soulmate, the pressure feels intense to make it worthwhile and enjoyable for all. Overall, this can lead to springboarding your marriage by spending an unjustifiable sum of money. 

As spending big on weddings is starting to become a common ritual. Lots of brides feel pressure to book a high-end makeup and hair artist who can cost thousands of dollars in order to be more impressive than the last bride and the next. The list of reasons to splurge can be extensive, depending on the individuals and their customs. Brides may feel pressure from their own family and friends to look their best, but pressure to look your best or flaunt impressive backgrounds and displays also come from the fact that some couples pay for a media crew who take pictures at every moment that could later be on show for the rest of the couple’s lives. 

Being Indian, I can also speak to how m culture can affect the amount of pressure that comes with spending big on weddings. A traditional Sikh wedding is usually around seven days, which means seven days of different venues, hair and makeup payments, catering, decorations, and media teams. On each of these days there’s a different event, and with this comes the pressure from guests and traditions to make each event unique and flow with different themed set-ups. This means it’s often very difficult to do anything for cheap, as simply sticking with cultural rituals requires extensive planning and organizing. 

Regardless of the source from which pressure arises, it can be daunting on a couple. The pressure can lead to spending habits that carry couples into debt, unnecessary loans and overall poor financial decisions that make a marriage take a troublesome first step. 

Instead of trying to impress others with a monumental and extravagant wedding, focus on what makes you and your partner the happiest! When you look back on your priceless images and see the couple staring back at you, make sure you see a version of you who is pleased with the path of your life, rather than miserable at your poor decision-making.


Leave your thoughts for Arsh in the comments below. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and YouTube to stay up-to-date with Low Entropy news!

Lowering the Mask of Imposter Syndrome : A View from a Dull-Normal’s Perspective

Susan Turi (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer

A recent quote grabbed my attention: “Lady Gaga confesses to having imposter syndrome.”

I’d heard of imposter syndrome but never thought to look it up. I thought I knew what it meant already: simply faking who you are to get ahead in society. The classic image of a tight-lipped ventriloquist throwing their voice from behind a grinning marionette is what I had in mind. But Lady Gaga’s comment piqued my curiosity:

“I still sometimes feel like a loser kid in high school and I just have to pick myself up and tell myself that I’m a superstar every morning so that I can get through this day and be for my fans what they need for me to be.”

I needed to learn precisely what imposter syndrome meant as my ventriloquist analogy, although partially accurate, did not entirely explain the last part of Gaga’s statement which revealed her humility.

I went in search of answers and found out that many successful people like the CEO of Facebook, Sheryl Sandburg, and celebrities like Lady Gaga and Nathalie Portman, are regularly plagued with self-doubt about their success – specifically a fear that they may have faked their way up the ladder.

As I inhabit the world of the non-celebrity and have never sought to be one, I would personally never experience this syndrome yet, like everyone else, I have my fair share of insecurities. But is this the same thing? Is it just a case of excessive self-doubt proportional to a person’s success? The last part of Lady Gaga’s comment, “[…] and be for my fans what they need for me to be,” struck a chord. Gaga sees herself as filling a void for her fans by being someone or something she isn’t. 

The average person goes about their everyday life doing their best to make ends meet, hoping for small successes – like balancing a monthly budget, paying off a credit card debt, or earning that degree for a better job opportunity. These are honorable, hard-earned rewards for effort. But then there are people who, because of luck, drive, talent, privilege or a cunning entourage, are given an express pass in a society built on material enrichment and status. Even though there have been many movies made and books written about the price that must be paid for success, wealth or stardom, the classic film by Orson Wells, Citizen Kane being one of them, the pressure to be seen and admired as a winner in society continues unchallenged.

In Citizen Kane, the principal character, Charles Foster Kane, a wealthy newspaper tycoon, pushes his wife, Susan, to become a successful opera singer, even though she is a mediocre singer without ambition. He feels he has to do this for many complex reasons: to justify his interest in her or, to match his status in his choice of partner. He cannot value her for her simplicity. Having been adopted into privilege by a banking family, he feels like a fraud and seeks to authenticate his success by pushing his wife up the ladder and by building her a lonely fairytale castle called “Xanadu.”

But by giving importance to genuine kindness and simple gestures that enrich day-to-day life — running an errand for a friend, being a good listener — the need to recalibrate oneself with self-doubt and over-compensation would seldom be needed. As Nathalie Portman said after being accepted at Harvard in 1999: 

“I got in only because I was famous. This was how others saw me, it was how I saw myself.”

Consequently, Portman went overboard at Harvard to prove herself by enrolling in difficult courses like neurobiology and advanced Hebrew literature studies, increasing the burden on herself to appear smart to her doubters. 

However, if the root cause of imposter syndrome is the unease created between the real person and the constructed mirage, are we not in part collectively responsible for this in praising the facade of success, instead of appreciating the imperfect person who wears this success? Is it not instead because of our insatiable need to supersize ourselves and rise above mediocrity that we worship almost inanimate icons of success? 

Social and mainstream media have a large role to play in creating the conditions for imposter syndrome to arise. Their reach influences parents’ expectations of their kids and kids themselves, encouraging the rags-to-riches yearning to justify a society powered by finance and fame. As long as the creation of one-dimensional personalities are held up as examples of success, then those accomplished, talented or lucky people will continue to feel like imposters — their coping mechanism to avoid losing touch with who they are behind the mask. As Charles Kane said: 

“I always gagged on that silver spoon: if I hadn’t been very rich, I might have been a great man.” 

In the end, imposter syndrome may be a blessing in disguise for those in search of their lost selves. 

References ech-reminds-us-how-we-all-can-feel-we-arent-smart-enough/


Sue Turi is a writer, illustrator and painter living in Montréal, Canada with a degree in fine arts. She began her career as a production artist for design studios and ad agencies, before deciding to devote herself purely to self-expression through writing and painting. She is currently at Concordia University majoring in creative writing and English literature.