Managing Writer’s Block

Stephanie W., Low Entropy Volunteer Writer


Fiction writers, blog writers, playwrights, regardless of what kind of writer you are, if you write then there is a high possibility you’ve experienced writer’s block. Writer’s block is a rather

common phenomenon where writers fail to find the right words to create the product they desire. Whether it be due to the lack of ideas or inspiration, or when there simply isn’t enough creative

juices, all result in large amounts of frustration and no progress being done. Of course, this does not indicate anything wrong with you, and whatever the reason may be, there are always ways

to counter writer’s block. 


  1. Write as much as comes to mind as possible 


Try filling up a page with as many words as possible, whatever it may be, without stopping. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like it, just make sure to pour whatever thoughts come to mind

without going back and editing it. The point of this exercise is to simply get you started, even if what you end up with doesn’t contain anything you’ve written. After all, that’s the beauty of a first draft – it’s supposed to suck. 


  1. See what others have written about your topic. 


Venturing out and getting inspiration from other people can help inspire new ideas and gain motivation. Sources of ideas can come from anywhere, whether it be from other people’s writing

on the internet or even conversation’s you’ve had with friends and family. Digging through other people’s brains can help you see new perspectives or encourage you to see areas others have

missed. Oftentimes, ideas come from the most unlikely of places, so remember to not dismiss something just because you think it’s unlikely to inspire you. 


  1. Create a writing schedule but remember to take breaks


Set some time in your schedule dedicated to writing and only writing. Finding a rhythm that works for you reminds yourself to get into the zone of pure focus, words may just naturally flow

onto the page. It also helps to ensure that progress is being made. Of course, reminding yourself to take breaks in your writing rhythm is equally as important. 


  1. Change your environment 


Bring your laptop to your local coffee shop or library where there is little to no possibility you’d be tempted by distractions. In a space where your options are to either write or simply do

nothing, it is more likely that you’d opt to write. Going out and changing your usual routine may be just what you need to get those creative gears turning. 


  1. Get someone else to read your work 


After completing a draft, getting a new set of eyes always helps in getting a new perspective on your work, especially since familiarity with your writing can result in you missing some little

errors you otherwise would not have noticed. Writing can be a very personal procedure, but don’t be afraid to put it out there and receive negative feedback, as words you may not want to hear may

end up being the most helpful critique. 


Writer’s block can be very discouraging and demotivating, but remember that it can’t be overcome if you give up. Remember to not be too harsh on yourself, and that there are many others out there

that are in the same position you’re in right now. Of course, there are a plethora of other methods of getting over writer’s block that may be more up your alley, so be sure to find

what’s right for you. You’ve got this!

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