Eli N, Low Entropy Volunteer Writer
In the past few months, the world has seen much intense news, including protests and civil unrest. This news can often bring us down and create a negative sense that the world is a cold and hostile place. I find that, especially because of this news, there is a need to shift the focus towards the positive, so that we do not forget that there is also much to celebrate in this world.
We are in a season of holidays and festivities, and it is an important opportunity to search for and celebrate the miracles of life. Can we focus our attention on the wonders that are around us so that they grow and increase?
Discovering wonder and awe during this season is more than just a good, fuzzy feeling, it is an effort that can truly shift the currents of anxiety and worry, and create an uplifting wave of gratitude.
So what kinds of wonder and awe can we celebrate during these times? A couple of topics come to mind:
- The beauty of nature
No matter how stressful life can be, nature is such an inspiring gift that we all benefit from. Nature offers us an unconditional medicinal experience on a daily basis. The colors of a spectacular sunset, the movement of an ocean wave or the breeze traveling through soft leaves uplifts the human spirit and opens the heart. Try to remember the last time that you were walking through a forest or observing a beautiful flower. How did that make you feel? What were the sensations in your body, or the positive thoughts that arose in those moments?
Through focusing our attention on the beauty and wonder of nature, we get so many benefits. Our mood and mental health improve, our spiritual and emotional health evolves, and our senses of community and belonging increase. Especially during this holiday season, whether you are in snowy or warm weather, nature offers us the opportunity to decorate it for special events, and that is an extra special aspect of how nature is truly an art canvas that we can celebrate.
- The human heart
The interactions between human beings are complex and often messy. However, this is an opportunity to reflect on the gentle and special aspects of human connection. During the holiday months there are great ways in which human beings show care for one another. For example, some organize Christmas charity events for children or open soup kitchens for the homeless. Recall the last time you witnessed a beautiful human moment of strangers sharing kindness, or a moment of a community showing generosity and forgiveness. How did those moments elicit feelings of awe and wonder? The traditions of sharing gifts with one another, showing appreciation for the people in our lives and gathering for meals are great rituals to cherish.
The holiday season can bring up many intense relational experiences and complex memories. However, if we can choose this season to focus on the beauty, the gifts and the grace of life, we will actually begin to see more of it around us. Choosing to focus our attention in this direction allows us to see beyond the mundane and routine, and open our eyes to the magic of life.
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