Conscious community

We live in an era where life is dynamic and speedy. We are always caught up in our day-to-day life and are unconsciously doing one thing after another. We never take a moment to evaluate our unconscious behavior patterns, and as a result,  we end up surrounding ourselves with people who may be self-centered. When we surround ourselves with people who only care about themselves, we end up being like them. We start losing values like empathy, compassion and understanding. It also causes us to feel lost and unsatisfied. When we spend our time with those people, it may work out for a bit, but in the extended run, it starts to exhaust us mentally and emotionally.


However, we all have the ability to improve our lives by making certain changes. One of these changes is being conscious. In simple terms, consciousness is self-awareness: awareness of our thoughts, feelings and actions. We must train our minds to be conscious, and to achieve that we must practice being present and spend time with people who are mindful and self-aware. We should seek out those who  feel committed to a sense of personal purpose and growth – a growth that not only causes us to feel fulfilled, but also makes the world a better place to be in.


It is pivotal to surround ourselves with conscious people because we are the byproduct of those with whom we invest our time and energy. When conscious individuals

connect with one another with the intention of growth, it can positively transform their outlook

on life through mutual motivation and support.

This becomes a growth journey, and the participants can gain

knowledge they could not have gained individually. Growth can be scary, and even triggering at times: your circle should be sensitive to this, and committed to motivating, upholding and hearing each other. This small change can  significantly help us build an optimistic perspective in life.


Low Entropy provides an excellent platform to connect with

positive, like-minded people. It brings people together with the goal of personal development in safe spaces, where we practice mental, emotional and personal awareness,  without judgement. In a conscious community, we can find the courage to be radically honest with ourselves: all parts of our story are truly accepted and welcomed.


Another thoughtful service offered by Low Entropy called One on One Compassion Connection allows us to practice unconditional love, kindness, and compassion between two individuals. It enables us to be more present, which breaks our dysfunctional pattern of unconsciousness. It is a harmonious, safe place for us to rewire our brain and truly accept all parts of ourselves.


When everyone feels safe enough to share parts of themselves that are difficult to reveal, we gain strength and empathy. We enable ourselves to stretch our hearts to understand and love unconditionally. We start evolving into people who are happier and healthier, and through this  practice, love will start to show up in our lives and relationship in ways we would have never imagined before.  


Author: Jaspreet Kaur