Cassandra Di Lalla (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer
Oh my stars, where do I even begin?!
Well, first and foremost – we have all experienced the loss of a loved one so let’s take a moment to remember the humans of the earth who have now morphed into the angels of the sky. Although our loved ones are not here in a physical form anymore, their spirits are still very much alive and floating around somewhere. Although their bodies are in a totally different realm, their souls are still singing. Despite not being right by your side with skin, bones, and a beating heart – they are instead fluttering around like a butterfly to bring you peace and tranquility, buzzing around like a bee to sweeten your day, soaring like a bird to bring you courage and strength, floating around like a cloud to bring you comfort, and popping in and out of your day-to-day life to remind you that you’re loved, cared for, and always safe.
It is not difficult to remember our loved ones because we simply cannot forget them. They have made such a huge impact on our life throughout the years and it is only right for them to receive full recognition and acknowledgement. They deserve the spotlight and they deserve the attention; their value, their worth, and their life means more than all the stars in the night sky.
It is so important that we talk positively about these individuals everyday so that we’re able to keep their spirits up and so they can feel the love, the care, and the kindness reciprocated. Emotions are eternal and feelings are forever so imagine the impact you had on them when you said “Rest Easy”. Their soul smiled knowing that you wished them well on their upcoming journey…whether their destination was to cozy up in the comfy clouds, swim up the stream to seek serenity, peacefully ponder into paradise, or head up to heaven on a hammock.
It’s terribly heartbreaking to know, and impossible to accept that individuals who have passed cannot be loved back to life. If we as humans had that kind of power or magic in us, or the miracle to make that happen, then life would be pleasantly populated again with the people we love most. It pulls at your heartstrings to understand that sometimes there are things you cannot do in the way you once would with your loved ones because the pain is weighing heavily on you…but then you realize that all these things you used to do with them had become a tradition and so you continue…for them, for yourself, and for the both of you knowing that their legacy lives on. You also continue because they gave you the will to keep going, and to respect them is the easiest thing when you miss them wholeheartedly and endlessly. So, please keep their legacy alive by doing their favourite things, enjoying their favourite drink, eating their favourite foods, maybe even try taking up their favourite activity because somehow and somewhere they are thanking you for keeping them alive…in mind, in spirit, and in your heart. The act of simply making that kind of an attempt speaks volumes, but it also allows your loved ones to live vicariously through you and radiate beautifully through this lens called ‘life’.
To those who have left this life and have gone on to their next life… we love you and we miss you, but you have taught us self-discipline and poise for now we know that though the reality of it all pains us wildly, we are loved by you no matter where you are.
Cassandra Di Lalla lives life purposefully. She enjoys reading, writing and mental health initiatives. She’s an animal lover for life and an innovative individual always finding new ways to create.