Pushing Past Procrastination

Pamela Musoke (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer


You lack self-confidence.


That’s a loaded observation. How does it make you feel when you say it? Or when someone else says it?


For some, admitting it is a way of hiding, using it as an excuse to maintain the status quo. It is where we would rather be, and maybe that’s enough for now. We all have our seasons.


Other times, it’s viewed, at first, as this massive chasm between where we are and where we desire to be, which is both scary and daunting. But eventually we find ourselves gravitating towards wanting, and soon, a call to action! Our wants trump our fears! Well, truthfully, it often ends up being more of an ebb and flow between the two states. I say this because we also hesitate as we become acutely aware of every single flaw we think may bring about failure and impact how we progress.


The trick is distancing yourself enough to recognize these are self-limiting views, brought on by past experiences that have, sometimes, injured the way we value ourselves. This may be one of the most aggravating, yet self-loving acts of compassion we can perform. It is a place to start, creating a road map we can follow, sometimes with the help of a mental health professional. We follow the clues to get to the seed of thought that has created enough self-doubt to paralyze us into inaction or move us to seek distractions.


Procrastination is one such distraction we are all familiar with. I will use myself as an example, because I tend to procrastinate when I face something hard or unfamiliar.


I used to think my procrastination equaled laziness. I would beat myself up for leaving tasks or projects to the last moment, usually to my detriment. But I got wiser. I began to notice my feelings when I felt unsure, and my instinct to delay. The fear of failure was so strong, I needed the pressure of time to overcome and act.


Exploring this through extensive journaling and help from people I trusted helped me realize that my need for perfectionism wouldn’t allow me to start. It wasn’t seen as an opportunity to learn and grow, but rather a threat — a mark of shame that could otherwise blemish my perfect(ish) record with failure. At this stage, I would be living in my own personal hell, and by the words of Dante Alighieri, abandon all hope and move on to something else that validated me.


And when I failed, I would rationalize my failures, which turned into rationalizing what I just rationalized, creating a vicious cycle of endless rationalizing. And as you can imagine, I would whip myself into a crazed frenzy — overwhelmed, feeling like a failure, believing I lacked the talent to excel. Such memories were hard to overcome and quickly ingrained, shaking confidence and impacting how I faced future challenges. 


But I turned it around, taking back some control. Procrastination has become my warning sign to pause and reflect on why I feel uneasy or uncomfortable about a course of action. And this is where step one comes into play . . .


I sit with my feelings for a while, trying to understand and eventually label them or describe them, being brutally honest and open about myself and my reactions. Admitting our truth can be eye-opening. 


For me, step two is not about slaying any dragon, but inviting it to tea. I start a friendly conversation with “Sir Lack of Self-Confidence” until I find myself thinking about recurring themes. I usually prefer to freewrite, a technique I learned from reading The Artist’s Way that helps you get out of your own way to get to the heart of the matter. It is a process I practice daily, to start the day with a positive mindset. The act itself is very freeing and cathartic, and I find solutions to challenges that initially had me in knots! 


Step three is all about processing. I find the underlying issue is usually my irrational fear of failing. I remind myself that I can’t fail something that hasn’t started. This helps me slow my thinking enough to recognize that these feelings are indicators of something that is missing, be it skill or knowledge. I find that once I start seeing through the trees, I get excited because I have found the inklings of a way in.


Step four and I am feeling better-prepared to take on the challenge. I hack complex projects into tiny, manageable actions. They start very simply, with actions that take no more than a few minutes to complete. It feels significantly less daunting and empowering. Encouraged to build momentum, I patiently work through tough entanglements, feeling more confident that I can achieve the intended goal.


Mind you, this can sometimes be a very slow process. I am learning to be kind to myself, choosing, instead, to celebrate that I am taking action instead of hiding.


I end this entry by emphasizing how becoming aware of self-limiting thoughts is a gift given to you, allowing you to dive deeper and learn about your inner world, and how you can help yourself blossom like a lotus flower. 


If you were to sit down with “Sir Lack of Self-Confidence,” or any other self-limiting thought, and have a friendly conversation over a nice cup of your favorite beverage, what would that conversation shed light on that you could act on today?



Pamela has a public health background. She enjoys reading, creative writing, and watching psychological thrillers and mysteries with the occasional comedy.

All of the Above

Alexandra Dadivas (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer


As humans, one of our goals in life is to feel that we belong. We strive to find where we fit in this hurried, crowded and unreliable world. It is a common misconception that everybody has an idea of where they want to go — the truth is that sometimes you might have no idea, and sometimes you might have multiple and are unable to narrow it down. My story is the latter.


Youth are often seen as the spark that will carry society forward. However, many don’t realize how much pressure this puts on people who don’t even know who they are yet. From infancy, most are raised to explore the world in hopes that they will find something that will call to them and thus lead them to the career that they will spend the majority of their life in. But more often than not, this results in internal conflict.


Ever since I was a young child, my world has revolved around writing. From ages 7–12, was obsessed with creating short comics that spanned about a page. I had never been one for true sketching, so I always stuck to my simple stick figures, but the storylines and characters that flew through my head were always begging to be put on paper. Incredible really, how so many ideas could fit into such a tiny mind. By the time I was 12, I began to start writing in short-story format. Instead of drawings and cells and speech bubbles, I wrote descriptive scenes and dialogues. The characters became more rounded, and more complex thought was put behind my plots.


I stand here now, wondering if I could take it a step further — if I should take it a step further. Writing a novel would give me a sense of such fulfillment in life, and if I could simply write for the rest of my life and make a living off of it, I believe I would be happy.


So what’s stopping you, Alexandra? It’s a great question, and it is something I ponder nearly every single day. My answer always ends up being the same.


While I have been actively exercising the literature-loving side of me, a scientist part has been silently growing in the background, too. A natural sense of curiosity has gripped me since the day I came into this world — I’ve always wanted to know the invisible systems that made it work. Science is something that I could easily find a place in, and I could not think of a better way of finding where I fit in society than helping humans heal. Landing somewhere in health sciences would allow me to look back on my life and think, “I made it. I made a difference.”


“Follow your passion,” some say.


“No, don’t do that, follow the money,” others retort.


“Perhaps you’re better off simply doing what others think is best for you, because surely you should have picked a career by now.”


All of these comments and opinions can get extremely overwhelming, especially when it comes to something as big as your life’s purpose.


In truth, it is not a question of passion or money or external opinion. It is a question of which side of myself I want to put first.


It is a near-impossible question, and if you have come this far for the answer, dear reader, I’m afraid I cannot provide it. It can be terrible really, to feel like you are being tugged one way and then pulled equally in another. It can tear you apart. At times, it may feel as though the world is asking you to reduce yourself to merely one side of your dice, without the allowance of seeing what the others can offer. My only advice to you is to keep rolling. Yes, in the end, you may have to only focus on one of your sides for your career, but please allow light to shine on the other parts that have created you as a character. 


In conclusion, it is okay if you have a whole gallery of ideas of things you want to do with your life, or if you have absolutely nothing that comes to mind, or if you rest somewhere in between. You might worry, “Where will I go from here?”


Well . . . you could go anywhere.


Isn’t it exciting?



Hi! My name is Alexandra Dadivas and I’m going into Grade 11 with the goal of being in healthcare sciences. Avid reader of young adult fiction!