Kanak Khatri, Low Entropy Volunteer Writer
At that moment I felt like I had everything I ever wanted. It was my 26th birthday, my friend and I were sitting, sipping coffee and just chatting away. It does not sound like much, but for someone who had no job, no money and literally nobody, I had a friend and that was the best birthday ever. I had everything that I could ever ask for.
Three years and many more to go, now she is my family in a new country where, in the beginning, all I had was uncertainty. I really enjoy how we cook for each other, overfeed each other, complain that we did that and then proceed to barely walk after gobbling up all the food. I love how we can listen to each other for hours with no track of time, give each other genuine advice and want the best for one another.
I also know that I may never have the opportunity to express how lucky I feel to have her, so I am grabbing this one too. I admire her spirit that empowers her to help anyone and everyone. Persevere through the toughest time and come out as the winner. Be so independent that she is all equipped to live by herself yet allow people into her life.
Three years in a foreign country, I only have one friend that I can count on. Well, I would still call myself the winner. From my experience in life of people coming and leaving, claiming themselves to be my friend there were none that I could trust genuinely so one is a pretty good number. And I think everyone should ask themselves that question. Out of all the people you call a friend, how many will be there for you when things get difficult? Because people in your life really affect your mental health, my friend inspired me to write a blog about her, however there were also times I lost my faith in people.
When friends become family, that is just the universe proving that it has your back. Cherish and embrace those people forever.
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