Low Entropy

In a time when ‘social distancing’ is the most prevalent and vital of personal health practices, isolation can put extra pressure on our emotional, and spiritual health. Distancing to protect those who are the most vulnerable in our society can make many of us feel like we’re being overlooked. Whatever gains we’ve made in our personal betterment, emotional development and spiritual enlightenment may now feel deprioritized.


How are we meant to stay connected and yet, maintain our sense of comfort and support? Where is the sympathetic ear, the voice of calm reasoning and firm reassurance in a period of such tumult and unrest? For those who need to be heard, and for those who need to hear that voice, it’s still here. ​We are still here.


In the wake of a mandate which leaves us feeling confused and isolated, Low Entropy is a resource that continues to aid personal development. It’s a support system that highlights the resilience of our community in such difficult times.


As an organization, we understand that self-isolation and social distancing can put a strain on the community’s psyche. Low Entropy is a group of people with a common goal: we aspire to explore the inner reaches of ourselves through mindfulness and meditation, and as a result, achieve a significant social impact from a place of compassion. We share ideas and vent feelings in a safe environment, and support our members to realize their goals outside of the community. 


Throughout the pandemic, we continued to offer online peer support group sessions in

an attempt to give people the tools to feel connected to themselves and their community. 


The response we received was outstanding. 


When participants were asked about their experiences, they were overwhelmingly happy. 


One participant commented, “It creates a space for like-minded people to share and grow in awareness. It gives participants the opportunity to raise their level of consciousness to a more cooperative and loving perspective.”


This was very inspiring feedback not only from an empirical perspective of an organization looking to gauge its value to its community, but also from a perspective of real social development.


We at Low Entropy believe in a holistic approach to social change. Positive action may only come from those with a positive and centered outlook, however, the ability to achieve and maintain this outlook requires sustained guidance from a dedicated support network.


A like-minded community collectively working towards social action is a valuable quality in any progressive society. A group of sound and composed minds working together for a higher state of emotional and spiritual support in these times can not only help maintain a sense of stability, but encourage a state of hope and growth. The more people work towards attaining a low entropic state, the more their influence will spread through noticeable acts of compassion. Their influence will give others the energy to rebuild in the wake of such difficult times.


Author: Rory MacDonald

Edited by: Karissa deGuzman