Embracing Therapy

Linda Ng, Low Entropy Volunteer Writer


Therapy. This short and simple word has so many negative connotations tied to it. People imagine that those who seek therapy are the crazy ones. They are the ones who have been diagnosed with mental disorders, their bathrooms filled with piles of medication to control their symptoms. I beg to differ. There are a wide range of reasons that a person might seek therapy. It can be for stress-related issues or relationship problems. Perhaps they are simply struggling through a challenging period in their lives. 


Even if we are sprinting, it appears as if our ever-changing world is evolving at a mind-boggling pace. The pressures of success, daily life and the demands of society are exceedingly overwhelming to the average person. It is almost as if we are constantly dealt from a losing deck of cards, fighting every minute to get through the day. I am no exception. Just a few years ago, the pressures of life led me into a near-breakdown. Like many people in the world who are experiencing the same thing, I felt helpless and alone. It was one of the most difficult times of my life, filled with hopelessness and despair. When I started to contemplate the meaning of life, I knew I needed help. It would not have been resolved with a hot bath or a box of chocolates.


My Experience with Therapy


I sought an unbiased perspective, a person who would sit and listen to me pour my heart out. I was reluctant to speak to friends or family. Instead, I decided to turn to therapy. I enlisted the services of a psychotherapist and set up my appointment.


Within five minutes of my first session, I started bawling out my life story. At that point, I knew I had done the right thing. To reveal such a personal and emotional side of myself to a stranger was not easy. Yet, because I was already at a breaking point in my life, it came so effortlessly to me. The therapist did not ask any questions until I managed to stop the flow of tears. I did not walk out of the session with my problems all solved. But it was exactly the support I needed to pick myself up again.


Negative Views of Therapy


Society has somehow managed to attribute therapy to many negative implications, such as believing that there is something wrong with you or that you cannot handle your life. On the contrary, I believe that therapy is for everyone and anyone. The services of a licensed psychotherapist can be enlisted for a wide range of concerns, not only for common disorders like anxiety or depression. If you have something you can’t deal with in your life or if you’re generally feeling lost in life, you can seek therapy. It is the best thing you can do to help yourself out during tough times. 


Life can be incredibly difficult. It’s almost like a roller coaster, where we are pitched into euphoric highs and then mercilessly thrown into the stomach-wrenching lows. To handle this wild roller coaster ride in life, we need to understand when and how to administer self-care.


How Therapy Can Help


A therapist provides a pathway for what I like to call a “brain dump.” Can we even count the number of thoughts that we have in a day? Our brain is constantly processing information and forming new memories. If we don’t give our brains a chance to release these thoughts and unload, we are paving the way for an eventual breakdown. All I can envision is a volcano filled to the brim with hot lava, ready to erupt at the slightest trigger.


There are several ways of unloading thoughts. Journalling or writing a diary are common choices. Others choose to speak with friends or perhaps even resort to bottling it up inside. I believe that there should be more focus on therapy and counselling as an option. It is not that we cannot be adults and get through life, or that there is something wrong with our brains. We can think of therapy as a gentle, guiding hand to lead us out when we have lost our way. 


The stresses that we encounter in our society today are very real. We cannot deny that there is an increasing demand for mental health support. Learning to embrace and accept therapy is a step in the right direction. Allowing negative emotions or issues to build up and fester inside of you is never the right choice for our mental health. We get rid of physical toxins from our bodies by sweating or working out. We need to do the same for our brains. Let’s begin by taking the negativity and stigma out of therapy and counselling. It is time to take care of yourself.



My name is Linda and I’m from Canada! When I’m not writing, I enjoy travelling, playing badminton and spending time with my pets. I have a strong passion for self-improvement and mental health topics. I’m hoping to share that with you here at Low Entropy!

The Power of . . . Self-Care

Lori Stevenson (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer


A number of years ago a colleague uttered words that have forever stuck with me and changed my life: “You cannot pour from an empty cup.” These words are so simple and so true. In today’s society, the demands on us are almost never-ending: no matter which way we turn, something or someone is demanding our time, attention, assistance, love, cooking skills, chauffeur services – you name it. And that is under the best circumstances! Throw in a global pandemic that, for many, involved working from home while trying to either dodge or educate children, and well, it’s no wonder that Statistics Canada reported in 2021 that 46% of Canadians are experiencing stress levels that are higher than they were pre-COVID. 


In a society that views busyness and a never-ending schedule of commitments almost like a badge of honor, many of us – despite the abundance of knowledge and research out there that extols its virtues – still view self-care as an indulgence: something that happens once in a while, or on a special occasion, or as a reward for attaining that sought-after promotion or reaching a goal. For some, it may be in the back of our minds, something we know we should do, if only there were a few more hours in the day. A recent study by Birchbox and Kelton Global found that only 39% of men and 32% of women regularly make time for self-care. If you are doing nothing to care for yourself and fill your own cup, how can you give the best of yourself to others? It is time to make self-care a regular part of your routine. 


We all know the obvious tenets of self-care – a healthy diet, enough sleep, regular exercise – and if you are not already on top of these, this is an easy place to start. The benefits will speak for themselves in no time at all. Let’s consider these the foundation, the “must haves.” They keep your body going, give you life force – but do they bring you joy? Will they fill your cup? (Okay, for some out there, yes – a sweaty session at the gym brings you joy, but many of us just grin and bear it!) 


Once you have the basics down, it’s time to find things that you can do for yourself that will bring you enjoyment, happiness, fulfillment, peace, or just a few minutes of quiet time. Take a few minutes to reflect on what these things might be – what did you enjoy doing to unwind before you had all of the responsibilities and demands on your time that you do now? What have you been really wanting to spend time on? What do you want to learn to do? Jot them down. There aren’t enough hours in the day, we’ve established that already – so how on earth are you going to find time to fit in even one of these activities? I have some tips and suggestions that may help. 


  1. Schedule it. This is important! YOU are important! Treat yourself at least as well as you do your work colleagues, and schedule time for yourself. Be creative and flexible – for example, I have activities that I schedule in daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly. Stick to this time; hold it sacred.


  1. Set boundaries. If you’ve decided that you love to read and want to do this for 30 minutes every day, talk to your family. Let your children, spouse and others know that this half-hour a day is really important to you, it makes you happy and is something that you need to do. Ask them to respect this 30 minutes and not disturb you, or turn it into a family affair where everyone spends some quality time with a book. 


  1. Layer activities. Look for opportunities to multi-task. Listen to a personal or professional development podcast while you walk the dog or go for your morning run. Learn a new language over your morning coffee or on your commute. Listen to an audio book or catch up on your favorite reality TV show while cooking dinner. 


  1. Unplug. Track your screen time for a couple of days. If you are surprised by how much time you spend surfing or scrolling through social media, commit to cutting back. Even snatches of a few minutes gained here and there by putting down your device can turn into an act of self-care. Head out of the office for a quick walk. Do a quick body scan meditation – you can do this in your office, at the coffee shop, on the bus or train – no one will even know! Stretch. Call a friend for a quick hello. 


Not only do all of these actions release our brain’s feel-good chemicals – increasing our general happiness and sense of well-being – but doing something only for you, something that makes YOU feel good, can bring you energy, comfort and satisfaction, which is regenerative and restorative. What will you do to fill your cup?



My name is Lori Stevenson and I am a management professional living in the beautiful Okanagan. In my spare time I enjoy reading, writing, yoga, teaching myself Spanish and walking my dogs. I am pleased to share my ideas, thoughts and knowledge here with the Low Entropy community!