Perceiving Others: A Complex Process

Elizaveta Garifullina (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer


Is our perception of people always correct?


My answer is that someone who feels people and, most importantly, knows how to listen to themselves understands people correctly. However, some people may have difficulty with this. We like to put labels on others, and then, we successfully become disillusioned with these people. But is it their fault? We fill them with our expectations and believe they are wrong if they do not meet them. 


Especially the first meeting and acquaintance are always filled with riddles. We can be confused by fears, anxiety and stereotypes, but we must listen to gut feelings; it is one of our most powerful tools. If when meeting a person, our whole body shouts “run” to us, and our emotions overwhelm us, then we clearly need to be careful with this person. Our body, like our subconscious, knows much more than we think and much more than we know. There is a lot of wisdom in this, so why don’t we use it?


Intuition. A thought that comes into our head and is felt in the back of our head. These thoughts feel like our voice. Anxiety can be caused by our past negative experiences or by various stereotypes. But the difference between anxiety and intuition is that intuition will never scare us. Intuitive thoughts are never obsessive; they will not spin in our heads and lead to panic. Thoughts from intuition just feel right but never cause disturbing feelings.


But even people who understand their own and others’ emotions and who are empaths cannot fully understand and know another person. Sometimes we spend our whole lives trying to understand ourselves. As for other people? People show only a part of their personality, a little bit of their character.


We know only a tiny part of the character of distant classmates, friends of our friends and just people with whom we went through only one situation that did not reveal all our sides of personality. If we only get closer to these people, we can get to know their great essence. Each person is incredible in their manifestation, and it takes a very long time to understand the whole personality.


Moreover, people change. We remember the versions of people they were when they were around, but each person goes through their own transformations. A few years, a year, a month, and even a day can completely and irrevocably change a person. We can think of a classmate at a school we graduated from five years ago in one way, but this person may already be completely different.


We can also be influenced by past experiences. If our new acquaintance looks like someone with whom we were very close but for some reason broke up, then we will perceive this person through the prism of past experience. Appearance, eye color, habits, place of birth, an atmosphere of a person and even the smallest details affect our perception. And if these details remind us of someone, then our mind immediately begins to create associations.


Therefore, the best solution that I advise everyone is to refrain from imposing expectations on people and not divide them into villains and heroes, bad and good, intelligent and silly, interesting and boring. A person can be a hero in the lives of hundreds and a villain for you. Does it mean that he is a villain? For you, yes, but would it be right to judge like that? We should appreciate every person in our life because everyone gives us amazing lessons and experiences. This is the most important thing because when the book of our life turns to its last page and closes, all we can take with us is the experience from this life.


Elizaveta Garifullina (she/her/hers)


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