Have you ever felt like Alice in Wonderland?

Kanak Khatri, Low Entropy Volunteer Writer


After almost 20 hours of flight, I felt like Alice who landed in a wonderland pondering how my jet lag would go away and how I would figure my life out in a new country. Jet lag and losing track of time (because the sun sets late in Canada) were just the first little things that I faced as an immigrant. However, I personally, emotionally and spiritually have changed so much that the initial glitches in retrospect feel like the tip of the iceberg that was going to change me for good.

Initially, I had to talk to a lot of strangers trying to figure out accommodation and become friends with people who were in the same situation as I was. It changed me from a girl who was always introverted and not very confident to one who is more outgoing. Another challenge I faced was trying to keep myself fed which also gave me a greater appreciation for my mother as a homemaker. Before I forced myself to discover culinary art, I survived mostly on bread. Next stop, figuring out transit. Once I was able to figure out the buses, I was surprised to learn how easy it is to get somewhere. I also thrifted things because I couldn’t afford new items at the time. The initial struggle made me outgoing, and a hustler and most importantly made me learn essential life skills.

Another adjustment was transitioning from one education system to another. I am a nerd and I loved going to college and writing assignments, so it wasn’t a problem. However, the whole two years of school made me realize my passion for writing, and here I am today.

The next challenge was getting a job, figuring that out was difficult and significant at the same time. I had moved to countries looking for opportunities that weren’t prevalent in my own. Disappointed so many times, I built my way through being a part-time restaurant crew member, and supervisor and then finally landing a corporate job made me realize and see my end goal will manifest in the future. In the end, 250 versions of my resume, people and recruiters ghosting me, well-built stories, and tweaking my skills here and there was all worth it. As much as I hated my initial restaurant jobs, I appreciate that I got to experience them because I owe my confidence, understanding of teamwork, mentorship, and friendships to those jobs. 

Through all of the stages, I kept meeting people, making friends and learning about their stories. Coming from a different culture, made me more accepting, and open-minded and enhanced my ability to put myself in people’s shoes. All the freedom and opportunities that I received from my migration to a new country have turned me into a person that I never imagined I could be.

I mean I did have all positive expectations of things happening to me when I moved, and things did take a different turn. All my struggles have matured me, and I know dealing with change is difficult. I do cherish all the experiences and embrace all the growth that it has brought me, and I hope to continue to do that.


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Staying Calm during Challenging Times

Grace Cheng (she/her/hers), Low Entropy Volunteer Writer


We live in a world full of challenges, but what happens when one encounters a situation in which there is no way out? As humans, we are often faced with difficult events in life, and it is crucial to know how to handle them. In such circumstances, it is extremely important to remain calm and hopeful. While stress is a normal part of modern life, if you frequently find yourself in situations that are stressful and feel panicked or overwhelmed, you may benefit from learning some coping strategies.  


There is no need to avoid all forms of stress when cultivating calm. When we take time to breathe, connect and care, we may find that some of the negative feelings we have been running from will become apparent. The key is to practice self-compassion at that time; feeling bad is okay. Having resilience does not mean that we will always be happy, but that we will have the energy, the attitude, and the support to help us cope with a life’s challenges.


The following ten tips will help you stay calm during life’s most challenging moments.


  1. Mediation


It has been proven that meditation reduces stress. It also changes the brain over time, allowing you to control your emotions more effectively and stay calm when you need it most. Meditation regularly can thus assist you in better handling stressful moments in the long run. 


  1. Taking a Deep Breath


Deep breathing is an effective method of calming yourself down. Whenever you feel that your brain has reached a deadlock state, you should breathe properly and make sure your body is getting adequate oxygen. Close your eyes and take some time to relax. By doing so, you will be able to deal with the situation more effectively.


  1. Positive Thinking


Believe it or not, if you are filled with negative thoughts, you will be unable to deal with any situation. Negative thoughts and unnecessary fears may cause you to feel extremely restless and exhausted. To overcome difficult times, you must maintain a positive attitude. By telling yourself that you are capable of doing a particular task, rather than thinking that you will not be able to accomplish it, you will be more likely to succeed. By remaining positive, your brain can avoid stress and remain calm.


  1. Slowing Down


In bad situations, try not to react immediately if at all possible. Allow yourself some time to gather and analyze as much information as possible regarding the situation at hand. To avoid confusion, it is important to provide accurate data. A clear vision can only be achieved with the right information.


  1. Receiving Help from Others


There is nothing wrong with seeking assistance from others. The best thing that you can do if you are deeply stuck in a problem is to ask people for help. If you are unable to resolve a problem calmly, your loved ones will ensure that you will not face the problem for a long time. During rough times, you can always rely on your friends and family for support.


  1. Exercise


When it comes to managing stress and dealing with external pressure, exercise is just as important as sleep. Exercise causes your body to release feel-good hormones and helps you to clear your mind.  


  1. Sleep


When you have not had a good night’s sleep, everything seems to be worse. You can often end up in a vicious cycle due to stress and anxiety from not being able to sleep and then feeling worse. Prioritize your sleep, especially if you are under a lot of pressure.


  1. Being Grateful


You can maintain a positive attitude by remaining grateful for everything you have in your life, no matter how small. It has been shown that people who keep a gratitude journal daily have lower levels of cortisol which is the hormone responsible for stress. You may find it helpful to take a few moments at the end of each day to write down a few things you are grateful for and see how much better you feel as a result.


  1. Finding Solutions


To solve complicated situations, it is also helpful to get to the root of the problem and solve it first. After finding the root cause, you will have a much better understanding of the steps taken to reach that point.  


  1. Writing Emotion Journals


During tough moments, releasing emotions can help you remain calm. Oftentimes, when life throws you an overwhelming challenge, you may feel angry, helpless, afraid, sad, or ashamed. The storage of emotions leads to feelings of panic and a feeling of being out of control when they are bottled up. Understanding how to honor your emotions will also assist you in understanding more effective coping methods.


You can take control of your destiny today by being calm and developing inner peace.



Grace has an accounting and finance background. She enjoys reading, writing, listening to music, watching movies and playing sports.